A Birthday Tradition

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A Sequel to Checking Out

Josh's POV

"Can you get my friend a drink?" Maya asks, flagging down the bartender. I quirk an eyebrow at her.

"Are you not drinking?"

She holds up her keys. "Designated driver. But I will have a Sprite" she tells the bartender who looks to me for my order.

"Uh, rum and coke" I order. The man nods and goes to make our drinks leaving me to engage in small talk with the small blonde beside me. "So, do you often ask out men who make it a habit to stare at your ass?"

She shrugs. "Not usually but I thought I'd make an exception." She thanks the bartender for our drinks as he slides them towards us and I smile as I watch her take a sip. "Do you often spend your birthday working?" She retorts as she pushes her drink a few inches away from the edge of the bar.

"Um, no. Kade wouldn't give me the night off."

She scoffs. "Shocking. The man only thinks of himself."

I quirk an eyebrow at her. Her disdain sounded personal. "Do you know him well?"

"Dated him for about....a year" she guesses. "And the entire relationship was a lie so-." She's captured my attention now and she knows it if her knowing smile is any indication. "He cheated" she explains. "But because I need the job, I'm stuck with him."

I shake my head. "That sucks." She hums in agreement. "But you're over him?"

Her smile widens. "I wouldn't be getting drinks with you if I weren't." She lifts her glass to mine. "Happy birthday Josh." And as our glasses clink together I can't help but think that this is the start to something beautiful.

~ 🥂 ~

One Year Later...

It's crazy how so much can change in 365 days. Just last year I was working in a job I hated and admiring the girl of my dreams from afar and now, I had an internship at an independent film studio and the girl of my dreams was my girlfriend.

"So, is this birthday better than your last?" Maya asks, tracing her fingers over the lines of my abdominal muscles while we're lying in bed.

Maya's lease ended in June and so we had spent about three days moving her entire apartment into my small studio. We hoped that when my lease ended next year we'd be able to move into a bigger place but for now we were enjoying ourselves in our own little space.

"Much better" I breathe out, rubbing my fingers against her back. Luckily, Maya's new job was at the local high school as a substitute art teacher and she hadn't got called in today so she was home with me. "But there was this one part of my birthday last year where this gorgeous blonde took me out for drinks and you know, I wouldn't mind doing that again. If she were interested."

Maya pushes off my chest, bringing her bottom lip between her teeth. "I mean, we can...as long as I can be the designated driver again."

I shrug, sitting up with her. "Or we could call an Uber" I suggest but the way her eyes divert away from me I realize that there's something she's not telling me. "Maya-."

"I'm pregnant."

My eyes widen. "A-and I was going to wait to tell you because it's obviously horrible timing and I didn't want to ruin your birthday but-."

I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers, kissing her softly until I'm sure she's calmed down and then I pull away keeping my hand lingering on her cheek. "Maya. You didn't ruin my birthday and we'll figure it out. Okay? I promise."


"Yes" I chuckle, in disbelief that she would think having a baby could ruin things between us. Sure it won't be easy but we'll be together and that's what matters. "Now, drinks? I know a bar that has the best Sprite in town."

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