Checking Out

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Josh's POV

"But it's my birthday" is apparently not an excuse to get you out of work. So, I'm here in the middle of Olive Garden on fucking Valentine's Day.

"Do you have the breadsticks for my table?" Maya, the waitress working the other half of the dining room this evening, demands. George, the head chef looks at her like she's lost it.

"I gave you a basket already."

She groans and I can tell she's just about had it with the staff today. "That was for table seven this is for table thirteen."

George opens his mouth to argue but I step in before he can get a word in edgewise. "George. Just get the girl her bread."

Maya turns and glares at me as George rolls his eyes and gets to work on preparing her basket. "I don't need your help."

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Yea? Fine. George, I'll take the bread. I need it for one of my tables."

Her eyes set ablaze as I make my threat and her hand flies out to grab the basket making it there just before mine. "Ha. Thank you George" she calls over her shoulder before grabbing a pitcher of water in her other hand and waking back into the dining room.

I watch her go, admiring her ass in the tight black skirt she had chosen to torture me with today. George shakes his head at me as he slides another basket towards me. "You know, not being an asshole will probably make her like you more. Just saying."

"I don't know what you're talking about" I lie, grabbing the basket and heading back out to the dining room...running right into Maya and her pitcher of water.

She gasps and I gape as the front of her white shirt goes totally transparent before my eyes, the black lace bra showing through prominently. "Shit" she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest to try and hide her chest.

"Here." I take off my suit jacket and wrap it around her. She looks up at me through her lashes and it's almost like she's seeing me for the first time and not just the asshole I pretend to be to push her and my feelings away.

"Thank you." I smile and kneel down to pick up the mess on the floor while Maya scurries off.

I have it all cleaned up in matter of minutes but just as I stand back up I overhear something I wish I wouldn't have. "Dude, thirty bucks for a tip?" A teenage boy asks his buddy, his eyes bugging out of his head.

I know the table isn't mine which leads me to realize that Maya must be their waitress and they were busy discussing her tip.

"Did you see her rack?" He asks, reminiscent of five seconds ago. "She deserves it."

My blood boils, mostly because I don't think I'm any better than these idiots. I had just been checking her out not five minutes ago but hearing them say such things out loud...and specifically about Maya. It made me angry.

"What did you just say?" I demand, stalking towards them with my fists curling up.

The guy looks up at me confusedly, surprised by my sudden presence. "I'm sorry?"

"Is that a statement or a question? Because the establishment you've stepped into tonight isn't a gentleman's club, it's a family friendly restaurant and when a woman has a wardrobe malfunction you don't tip her for the show. You look away respectively. Now get the fuck out."

The boys look at me like I've lost my damn mind and as I grab the check off the table I realize everyone is staring at me. Including Maya.

I clear my throat awkwardly. "Return to your meals everyone. Nothing to see here."

I rush back towards the kitchen then, check in hand. "Here." I hand it to Maya while she continues to stand in the kitchen doorway and stare at me soundlessly. "You deserve it for having to deal with me and every other guy who has ever shamelessly checked you out. I'm sorry."

And then, I walk through the kitchen doors.

~ 🧾 ~

"Hey." Her voice catches me off guard while I'm unlocking my car door after what felt like the longest shift I've ever worked.

After the incident the night went back to normal aside from the obvious tension between me and Maya. I was unsure if she thought I was overstepping or stepping just enough.

"Hey" I call back nervously, hoping this doesn't end in my murder but when I turn to look at her she has a smile on her face and her arm outstretched, holding my jacket out for me to take.

"I just" she stops in front of me, panting, "wanted to return this."

I smile, taking the jacket from her hand. "Thanks" I reply politely but after the scene I caused, it doesn't seem like enough. "I really am sorry again-."

"Did you admit to checking me out today?" She interjects, taking me aback. I purse my lips, averting my gaze to the ground. I was hoping she had missed that revelation.


"Well then, how come you never asked me out?" My eyes snap up to lock onto her's and I'm rendered speechless.


She chuckles. "You heard me. You busy right now?" I look around the parking lot, sure that she must be talking to anyone else but nope, we're the only ones here.

"I-." I begin, clearing my throat. "I was just going home to try and enjoy the rest of my birthday."

"Your birthday?" She shrieks. "You can't go home and spend the night alone on your birthday. No. We are going out tonight. I'll drive" she insists, motioning to her car and I can't help but follow after her.

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