The Moment I Knew

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*Inspired By: Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur*


Josh's POV

"Casey, Jake" I shout up the stairs as Maya makes the kids breakfast in the kitchen. "Let's move it" I shout before wandering back to the kitchen and walking over to my gorgeous wife. "Good morning baby" I whisper, kissing her neck as I wrap my arms around her growing belly.

"Which one?" she teases making me chuckle as I continue to trail kisses over my girl's skin. Goosebumps rise on her skin and I can't contain my smile at the effect I still manage to have on her.

"Both" I whisper, kissing the sensitive spot below her ear. "How is the little one today?" I ask, slipping my hand under her white v-neck that she wore to bed. I rest my hand on her belly and kiss her cheek.

"Good" she replies as she spins around and crashes her lips onto mine. The kiss takes me by surprise but I welcome it, opening my mouth to her while pinning her against the counter. She moans lightly and reaches up to tug on my hair.

"Ehm." The two of us pull apart and I look up to see our kids standing in the kitchen entryway with a disgusted look on their faces. "Could you like not" Jake snips as he grabs a piece of bacon off the counter.

"Seriously" Casey agrees. "Are you driving us to school?" she asks me. I nod and grab my keys.

"I'll be back" I kiss Maya's cheek causing a blush to appear. I smile and lead my kids out the front door and to the car. We climb in and I start the quick drive to their middle school.

"Why are you and mom always so lovey dovey?" Casey asks curiously while Jake texts vigorously beside her.

"Because we love each other" I reply. "Why? Does it bother you?" I tease my youngest. Casey was in fifth grade while her brother was in eighth. Maya and I weren't exactly planning on having another baby but we were thrilled nonetheless.

"Yes" she replies making me chuckle.

"Well we could fight if you'd like" I offer but she shakes her head.

"No" she sighs. "All my friends' parents are divorced. That's the last thing I want."

"Lucky for you, I don't see your mother and I ever splitting up" I assure her as I pull up to the school. "Have a good day kiddo."

"Thanks dad" she smiles. She leans forward and kisses my cheek before climbing out of the car.

"See ya dad" Jake says as he climbs out of the car. I nod and drive off back to the house. When I walk in there's music playing and Maya is "cleaning" but in reality she's dancing around the kitchen. I smile and walk towards her.

"Hey gorgeous" she jumps and giggles when she sees me.

"Joshua" she scolds playfully.

"Having fun?" I ask, leaning against the counter.

"Not as much fun as I'd have if you danced with me" she smiles, reaching her hand out to me. I smile and grab it, spinning her into me. "Hi" she giggles, gazing lovingly into my eyes.

"Hi baby" I smile, leaning down to kiss her. We start swaying to the music in the middle of our kitchen, her head on my chest and my arm wrapped around her back. "Josh" she whispers.


"Can you tell me the story again?" she asks making me chuckle.

"Of course I can."


"Okay gorgeous" I help a stumbling Maya into her apartment. "Just a few more steps" I tell her as I throw her purse onto the couch while attempting to balance her.

"I don't feel good" she mutters. I sigh as she slips. I grab her and pull her up in front of me.

"I know sweetheart." I lead her to the bathroom and she collapses onto the floor. I go to the sink to fill her up a glass of water when she starts throwing up. I quickly abandon my task and move to hold back her hair. I run my hand down her back soothingly until she's done. She turns around and I hand her a glass of water. She takes a long swig and looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"Can you stay?" she whispers. I smile as I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You need some rest sweetheart" I say softly. I take her water and then stand up to help her. She grabs onto my hands and I lead her to her bedroom. "Do you have something to wear?" I ask, knowing she probably doesn't want to sleep in a tight dress.

"No. Just unzip" she turns around. I nod and do as she asks. When the dress hits the ground she's left in a strapless bra and a thong. I don't let my eyes wander. I move and untuck her bed.

"Here you go" I grab her hand and lead her to her bed. I tuck her in and move to go back to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?"

"To get you some water. I'll be right back" I assure her. She nods and I go to get her some water and Ibuprofen. I walk back to her room and she's already fast asleep. I place the items on the bedside table and kiss her cheek.

"I love you" I whisper before going to the living room to sleep on the couch.


"I still find it impossible you knew you loved me in that moment" she buries her head in my chest. "I was such a mess."

"A gorgeous mess" I reply, kissing the top of her head. "I love you so much Maya."

"I love you too Josh" she replies, looking up at me. "Thank you for always taking care of me" she adds sweetly.

"Always" I assure her before leaning down to kiss her. 

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