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*Part Two of Back To You*

*Inspired By: First Flight Home by Jake Miller*


"I'll be on the first flight home"

It's been almost a year since I've seen Maya. Our reunion still in my mind on repeat, the only thing that's gotten me through all these months. I promised her that I would always come back to her and I was keeping that promise once and for all.

The deployment I just finished was my last one, which meant I was home.

For good.

I couldn't wait to see her, she knew I was coming home this week but I hadn't given her any of the specifics. I was sitting in the airport waiting for them to call my flight, staring down at my phone, thinking about the perfect text to send her.

I decide on something quick and sweet.

JOSH: I know I've been gone forever....but I'll be on the first flight home

I smile, sending off the text before shutting off my phone and stuffing it into my bag. My hand grazing the small box resting inside. I pull it out and open it, a smile pulling at my lips.

As crazy as it may seem I had bought it before I even left the last time. I knew that she was the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with but I didn't want to make that kind of commitment until I was home and I could actually give all of myself to her.

"Flight 211 to New York, New York" the speaker crackles to life. I slip the box back into my bag and hoist it up onto my shoulder getting ready to board the flight.

Once I'm settled in my seat I pull out my iPod and a pair of earbuds, drowning out the world until I was able to get home to my girl.

"I know you recognize that same knock, I hear you running down the stairs now, tears running down your face, then you open up that front door"

I arranged for a car to pick me up at the airport and I gave the driver Maya's address. I didn't want to waste any more time away from her. The ride feels like it takes forever, I continue to check the clock every three seconds only to get more annoyed the slower it seems that time moves.

You'd think that after ten and a half months that ten minutes would be nothing but you would be wrong, in fact these ten minutes seem longer than the ten and half months.

"Can't we go any faster" I mutter to myself in the back of the car.

Finally after what feels like an eternity we finally pull up to her house, I knew she had moved in the time I was gone, something about wanting a bigger place. I smile when I look up at the modest house, it was plenty big for the two of us to start a life in. "Thanks" I shout over my shoulder as I rush out of the car and run up to the door.

I knock loudly and I immediately hear the sounds of feet running down the stairs and finally the door opens and Maya is standing on the other side, a grin wide across her face and tears streaming down her face.

"You're home" she exclaims, throwing herself into my arms. I catch her and hold her against me, breathing in her familiar scent of strawberries and mint. "God I've missed you" she cries.

"I missed you more" I reply honestly, not ever wanting to let her go. She pulls back slightly and her lips land on mine in a long, passionate kiss that leaves us stumbling back into the house. I slam the door shut behind us before falling against it, taking her petite figure with me.

"Nice place" I mumble against her lips making her giggle as she pulls back, curling her lips as she nods.

"I like it" she admits. "It's a good size" she shrugs, running her fingers through her hair and for the first time I realize there's something off about her. She looks nervous.

"Yea I suppose" I shrug. "You okay? You seem weird all of a sudden."

"Me? Weird? Why would I be weird?" she rambles, her fingers becoming seemingly glued to her hair.

"I don't know" I reply, "what's wrong baby?"

"Um" she stutters.


Suddenly, in the distance of the house the sound of crying is heard and I look at Maya, searching her eyes for any sort of answer. "Maya," I draw out every letter.

"I was gonna tell you" she says quickly but I'm already rushing down the hallway until I find a door with a simple moon hanging from it, the name Gabi written on it.

I don't wait for Maya, pushing the door open and finding a small infant on the other side, a soft whine falling from her lips.

"By the time I found out you were unreachable" Maya whispers. I whip around to face her, finding worry clearly written on her face. "I didn't want to keep her from you but I just, by the time we got back in contact I was scared to tell you."

"Scared to tell me?" I exclaim, "unless she's not mine I have no idea how you would ever be scared to tell me something like this?"

"She's yours" she says seriously. "I was just scared, I didn't know how you would react. We had only just finally gotten together."

"And we were idiots who got caught up in a moment" I laugh lightly, walking towards her and pulling her into my arms. "I love you so much Maya."

"I love you too" she replies sweetly. "Surprise" she adds, an adorable giggle falling from her lips.

"I have one too" I smile as I break away from her and reach into my pocket. I pull out the box and Maya's eyes widen. "We've done this terribly out of order" I laugh lightly, "and you've been on your own for a long time but I'm back and I'm never leaving you ever again" I say seriously.

"So, Maya Penelope Hunter" I smile, "will you marry me?" I ask, getting down on one knee and looking lovingly into my girlfriend's eyes.

"Of course I will" she exclaims, reaching down to kiss me. We pull apart and she allows me to slip the ring on her finger before I stand up and pull her in for another kiss. She pulls back slightly and rests her forehead against mine as her smiles grows wider. "Do you wanna meet your daughter?"

"Um yea" I chuckle as she leads me over to the crib. "Why Gabi?" I ask as she picks her up and places her in my arms. My heart swells as I look down at her, she had our blue eyes but she had brown hair like me.

"Your middle name is Gabriel" she smiles, "I wanted her to have a piece of you, you know in case" she trails off, tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm right here" I remind her, reaching for her hand. "I promised you that I would always come back for you."

"Welcome home Josh" she smiles, and looking between my two girls I know there's no place I'd rather be.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now