All Mine

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*Inspired By: Dibs by Kelsea Ballerini*


Maya's POV

"I know everybody wants you that ain't no secret"

I hate my English lit class. There are many reasons for this such as it's boring as hell, there's too much homework, and the professor looks like he was alive at the same time as Shakespeare, but most of all it's because of the five obnoxious girls that hang all over Josh the entire class.

Somehow we had ended up in the same English class and I was actually pretty excited until his posse of girls showed up. Luckily he seemed as annoyed with them as I was but since he had yet to show any ounce of interest in me, I wasn't actually sure.

"Pair off to finish the sonnet" our professor instructs us making me moan in annoyance as I glance around the room. I had no idea who the hell I would have as my partner.

"Josh be my partner" one of the blonde girls begs making me roll my eyes.

"Um" he stutters as the rest of the girls insist that they partner up. His eyes suddenly meet mine and his face visibly softens. "I have a partner already" he says seriously as he finally breaks free of the craziness, walking towards me. "Please tell me you need a partner" he whispers making me giggle as I nod.

"I actually do" I smile. "What's wrong? Too many girls?" I tease as he sits beside me, the girls glaring at us from afar.

"I can't take it anymore" he sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair. "How are you? I'm sorry we haven't talked much."

"I'm good. If I'm honest though, you could do so much better than all of them" I say seriously as I avert my eyes to the sonnet in front of me.

"If you got a Friday night free and a shotgun seat"

"Still got a crush on me?" he teases as a blush rises on my cheeks.

"Maybe but in my defense I was under the impression that someday was still in play" I reply making a smile pull at his lips.

"Who said it wasn't?" he asks bluntly making my heart stop. "I'm not dating anyone Maya, I haven't dated anyone since we made our someday pact."

"Really?" I ask in shock as he nods his head. "What are you doing on Friday?"

"Not a damn thing. I have my truck on campus though" he adds with a smile.

"Got anyone to ride shotgun?" I ask as he shakes his head, his smile taking over his face as his blue eyes sparkle back into mine. "In that case, do you maybe wanna take me out?" I ask, taking myself by surprise with how bold I was being.

"I'd love to. I'll pick you up at yours and Riley's dorm" he says as I nod in agreement.

"Sounds perfect" I agree before we finally decide to do our classwork.

"If you got a kiss on your lips that you're looking for somebody to take"

Josh and I go out for dinner and a movie and since the movie got out we haven't been able to stop laughing. The movie was hilarious and the both of us can't stop bringing up different parts and laughing on and on for the entire ride home.

"I don't think I've laughed this much since I started going here" Josh says seriously. "Being at home was always entertaining because well, you've met my family" he adds making me giggle. The Matthews were a strange bunch but they were equally as perfect. "But since I've started going here it's been hard. Thanks for going out with me tonight."

"Of course. I missed you" I say truthfully. "Like a lot."

"I should've asked you out sooner. I guess I was afraid that maybe you had moved on" he says softly as I shake my head.

"As if someone can move on from Joshua Matthews" I laugh lightly. "I still really like you Josh."

"I like you too Maya" he smiles as he closes the space between us, caressing my cheek gently.

"Are you gonna kiss me?" I ask hopefully as I lock my blue eyes onto his.

"Only if you want me to" he whispers making a smile pull on my lips as I nod, a breath of relief leaving Josh's lips before they finally find their way to mine. The kiss is gentle yet a little bit longer than most first kisses are, not that I minded in the least. The last thing I wanted was for him to pull away from me.

"Woah" I whisper as we finally pull apart, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"Let me take you out again" he pleads making a blush creep onto my cheeks as I nod.

"On one condition" I smile as I rest my forehead against his.

"Anything gorgeous" he whispers making my heart flutter at the sound of the nickname I haven't heard in forever.

"I want to be your girlfriend" I reply softly making him smile as he leans in for a quick peck.

"I'm all yours Hart" he assures me as our lips come back together in a passionate kiss.

Joshua Matthews was all mine. 

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