New Year's Countdowns

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Maya's POV

"This can't be a good idea" I insist as Josh sets numerous bottles of alcohol on the counter of our apartment. It was the first year we were all over twenty one and we could all drink and Josh seemed to think we should take full advantage of that.

"Why?" he asks confused. I had been drinking with Josh for a couple years already, so he knew I could handle my alcohol but some of my friends were another story.

"Do you really think Riley and alcohol are gonna mix?" I ask playfully making him shake me off as the doorbell rings. Josh opens the door finding Lucas and Riley on the other side. They just lived down the hall so it was no shock that they beat everyone else here. "Hey Riles" I smile as I pull my best friend into my arms.

"Hi Peaches" she replies happily as she hugs me back. "Happy New Year" she adds as we break apart. "Josh I want a drink" she demands making me sigh as I head into the living room. This was going to be a long night.


"I told you this was a bad idea" I laugh as Josh and I sit in our bedroom during the third round of seven minutes in heaven. At this point Lucas, Josh, and I were the only sober ones left in the house. Zay was buzzed but not totally gone as well.

"I didn't think it'd get this bad" Josh replies defensively. "How was I supposed to know you'd end up in here with Lucas?" he asks making me laugh in amusement. We spent our seven minutes talking and laughing about the silly things spilling from our drunk little Riley.

"You act like something happened" I laugh. "Joshua Matthews you do understand that I have only ever kissed you, correct?"

"Wait really?" he asks suddenly confused.

"Um yea. I'm pretty sure I've told you that" I add seriously. "You were my first everything" I add as a blush creeps onto my face as I think back to the night we made love for the first time.

"I'm flattered" he smiles as he leans in to kiss me. His lips lingering on mine as our friends start counting down for the New Year.

"No way" I laugh as I grab for my phone, confused when I see it's only ten o'clock. "Josh?" I ask him confused.

"Lucas and I spent our seven minutes setting up the Netflix countdown clock. It not only works on kids but also drunk friends" he explains making me laugh.

"That is pretty genius" I insist as our timer goes off the exact moment "midnight" hits. We walk out into the living room finding all our friends making out as Zay calls an Uber for him, Smackle, and Farkle.

"I think it's time for us to go" Lucas says as he pulls away from Riley. "Thanks for everything" he adds as he winks at Josh earning a nod from him before they all pile out of the apartment. As the door clicks shut I make my way over to the counter, pouring myself a glass of wine before turning on the real countdown on cable.

"See the game was a good idea. We got to talk and it got rid of our drunk friends" Josh says making me laugh as we sit beside one another on the couch, his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"Okay fine maybe it was a good idea" I reply honestly. "But um I'm pretty sure Smackle kissed Zay" I add making Josh chuckle as he shakes his head.

"Well that's their problem" he replies amused. "Right now all we need to worry about is staying up for the next two hours. You think you can do it?"

"You could keep me busy" I smirk as I place my glass on the table.

"I guess" he laughs as he pulls me onto his lap, both of us getting tangled up in one another until finally the real countdown starts. We mutter the five numbers against each other's lips between kisses until finally they lock in a long passionate kiss at zero. We pull apart smiling widely as we exchange Happy New Year's and I know just by one look into his sparkling blue eyes that this year is going to be perfect. 

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