Working Late

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A/N: Happy Valentine's Day Readers and Happy Birthday to Joshua Gabriel Matthews 💗


Maya's POV

"Afternoon Ms. Hunter" my boss says as he appears in the doorway of my office making me look up from my computer.

"Hello Max" I reply politely. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"Um actually there is" he replies making me raise my eyebrows in intrigue. "I know that it's Valentine's Day but I really need you to work late tonight" he explains making my heart drop. Today wasn't just Valentine's Day, it was my boyfriend's birthday.

"Uh" I stutter as I stare up at him.

"Thanks Maya" he smiles as he leaves my office making me look after him dumbfounded.

"Dammit" I mutter as I pull out my phone, dialing my boyfriend's number immediately.

"Hello gorgeous" Josh greets me cheerily making a smile pull at my lips.

"Hey baby" I reply with a smile as I get up to close my office door. "Look I'm really sorry but I have to work late tonight" I apologize as I sit back down at my desk.

"What? Why?" he asks confused, the cheerfulness in his voice now nowhere to be found.

"I don't know" I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair. "Max just came in here and told me I had to work. I'm so sorry baby."

"It's not your fault" he assures me. "I'll see you later Maya" he adds as our phones disconnect making me sigh as I throw my phone onto my desk.

"Happy Valentine's Day to me."


"Ugh" I moan in annoyance as I put the finishing touches on the cover of this week's issue of the magazine. I glance at my clock noticing that it's already past ten o'clock. There were less than three hours left in today and I had yet to even see my boyfriend.

"Sounds like you're having a rough day" I hear from my doorway making my head snap up as I lock eyes with Josh.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in shock as I look up at him, pushing my chair back as I jump out of my seat, throwing myself into his arms.

"I figured if you had to work I'd come keep you company. The house is especially lonely on my birthday" he adds making me frown as I pull away from him.

"I'm the worst girlfriend ever" I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair, backing into my desk as I lean against it.

"No you aren't" he assures me as he comes towards me, placing his hands on either side of me. "You have the worst boss ever."

"Tell me about it" I sigh. "I wanted to be taking the pictures for the magazine not checking everyone's work."

"I know" he replies sympathetically. "But I have something that might make you feel better" he adds as he grabs a bottle of wine. "Let's pop this open and get your work done so we can go home."

"That's cute. You think I'm working now that you're here" I laugh as I put the bottle onto the desk before climbing on myself. "Close the blinds and lock the door" I instruct as I start to unbutton my blouse.

"Maya we are not having sex in your office" Josh insists.

"There are less than two hours left before your birthday is over. This project is going to take me at least another hour and our place is fourty minutes away and that's without factoring in traffic. Lock the damn door."

"So bossy" Josh laughs as he finally does what I ask before coming back over to me. "What if your boss comes back?"

"Josh please just shut up" I beg as I crash my lips onto his.


Josh and I finally left the office after midnight, my work done and both of us completely satisfied. Of course this morning is hell which is why I make a run to Starbucks before shuffling into the office. I take my seat at my desk, straightening up the few things that Josh and I had missed when we cleaned up before we left last night and suddenly my boss appears in my doorway.

"According to the clock you didn't punch out until after midnight" he states though it sounds like a question.

"I had a lot to juggle" I reply trying to suppress my laughter. The work wasn't much at all but juggling the work and pleasing your boyfriend was very time consuming.

"I hope you didn't have to cancel any plans last night" he adds causing me to shrug.

"Nope. My night was lovely" I assure him with a smile.

"Good" he replies happily as he sips his coffee. "Whose jacket is that by the way?" he asks curiously making my eyes fly over to the jacket on the couch in my office. "I don't remember seeing it before I left last night."

"Um" I stutter in nervousness. It's Josh's jacket. Josh's jacket which he apparently forgot when we were throwing our clothes back on after having sex on said couch when we hear the janitor come into the building. "It's Mike's" I say quickly thankful that I had a male assistant. "I'll make sure to get it back to him" I smile.

"Okay" my boss shrugs. "Well have a nice day" he adds making me sigh in relief as he walks off. I relax into my chair briefly before hearing my phone buzz.

JOSH: Last night was fun. You should work late more often 😜

I roll my eyes in amusement as a smile pulls at my lips. Maybe there were a few perks to working late.

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