The Lucky Ones

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Maya's POV

"Hey mom" I smile as I walk into the house after school.

"Hey baby girl" she replies nervously, twisting her wedding band on her finger.

"Everything okay?" I ask as I look up at her worriedly.

"Baby girl you know I love our Valentine's Day tradition" she starts causing my heart to start breaking.

Since my dad left my mom and I spent the holiday in our pjs watching chick flicks and eating chocolate. It was perfect and it ensured that neither of us were alone for the holiday. Of course she wasn't alone anymore, she had Shawn.

"You're cancelling to hang out with dad" I guess as she nods sadly.

"I'm so sorry baby girl."

"Don't be" I smile as best I can. "Have fun with dad, I'll be fine" I assure her before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

I quickly head up to my room, throwing my stuff onto the floor as my phone buzzes.

JOSH: Back in town and EVERYONE has plans!!!! Whatcha up to tonite gorgeous?

My heart swells as I read the text. I was still only a sophomore in high school but Josh and I were becoming pretty good friends with the promise of our someday.

MAYA: Nada 😕 Mom cancelled

JOSH: Damn. Want some company?

MAYA: Boing do you really even need to ask?

JOSH: Be there soon 😙

MAYA: Can't wait 😙


"I like the new place" Josh compliments as he walks around the apartment with me in tow.

We had moved into a new place with Shawn, a place that was still in the heart of the city but without holes in walls and leaky roofs. I missed my neighbors but I loved it, it was simple but it was everything.

"Thanks" I reply with a smile. "So what brings you back to town?"

"Everyone on campus was going out tonight and I was lonely. Decided to come spend some time with the family but they all had dates. Even Auggie" he adds with a laugh as we settle onto the couch.

"He and Ava have been married longer than your brother and Topanga" I laugh as he nods.

"This is true" he agrees. "But tell me gorgeous what do you usually do on this dumbest of holidays?"

"Well. Mom and I sit on the couch with our pjs on. We put in a cheesy chick flick, the only day of the year I watch them, and then we stuff our faces with chocolate" I explain causing a smile to pull at Josh's lips.

"Sounds perfect except I don't have pajamas."

"Seriously? You're gonna stay?"

"Um yea" he laughs as he jumps off the couch, walking over to the movie shelf. "Go change. I'll pick the movie."

"Okay" I give with a smile as I walk off to change. I throw on a pair of comfy dark blue pajama pants and a simple white tank top before heading back downstairs. "What are we watching?" I ask as I raid the cabinet for chocolate finding the box Farkle had bought me.

"The Lucky One" he replies making a chuckle escape my lips. "Tell anyone I actually like this movie and our someday is over" he teases as we both settle onto the couch.

"I would never" I smile as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Your secret is safe with me."

"Good" he smiles as he kisses the top of my head. "Now can I have a caramel one?" He asks as I nod handing one to him as the movie starts.


I don't know when I fall asleep or when Josh falls asleep but I'm suddenly woken up to the sound of the front door opening. I know it's my parents and I want to avoid getting yelled at as long as possible so I keep my eyes glues shut as they talk.

"What is Josh doing here?" my dad asks confused.

"She was probably lonely. We usually spend this holiday together" my mom replies honestly.

"I'll wake him up" Shawn starts but my mom stops him.

"They're asleep. I cancelled on her today. That couldn't have been easy on her. Let them sleep, it's not like they're doing anything."

"Fine" Shawn gives. "But only because I love you" he adds and a few seconds later I hear them walk off.

"We got lucky" Josh laughs beside me.

"That we did" I smile as I snuggle into his arms. "Goodnight Boing."

"Goodnight gorgeous" he replies as he kisses the top of my head.

He was right, we were definitely the lucky ones, not because we didn't get yelled at but because we had each other and we always would.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now