Night Shift

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Maya's POV

"Order up" Jordan, the cook, dings the bell as I make my way to the counter. It was Friday night and instead of being the third wheel on a date with Riley and Lucas I was working the night shift at the Nighthawk Diner to make some extra tuition money.

"Thanks J" I smile as I pick up the three plates for my table and wander over to set them in front of the customers. I make my way back to the counter when my friend Sam waltzes past me.

"Maya can you cover my table?" Sam asks hopefully. "I'm totally swamped."

"Sure Sams" I reply sweetly, turning around. When my eyes land on the table my heart sinks. Sitting at the table is the boy I've been in love with since I was fourteen years old. And he's not alone. "Lovely" I mutter softly as I make my way over to the table. "Hello. Welcome to the Nighthawk Diner, can I take your order?" I ask politely. Josh's head whips up at the sound of my voice.

"Maya" he says in shock.

"Yep" I reply snippily. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Um" he stutters.

"Just a water" the girl beside him orders.

"A coke" Josh orders, finding his voice. I write it down and go to key it into the computer. I pour their drinks and carry them over to the table, setting the drinks in front of them.

"Are you ready to order?" I ask politely, avoiding eye contact with Josh but the alternative doesn't work out much better. The girl beside him is staring at me judgementally though I'm not sure why.

"Babe you go first" Josh says to the girl.

"I'm not really that hungry. Can I just get a side salad" she says making me roll my eyes internally.

"Of course" I reply instead. "Any dressing?"

"Italian vinegarette. On the side" she clarifies. I nod and write it down, turning my attention to Josh.

"Cheeseburger with fries" he orders.

"Okay" I smile politely. "That all?"

"Yep" the girl snips. "Thank you."

"Uh huh" I nod as I walk back towards the kitchen and put the order in, looking up at the clock. "Hey Jordan" I shout, catching the cook's attention. "Can you make another cheeseburger? It's almost the end of my shift."

"No problem darling" he smiles. I go around to my tables, making my rounds feeling eyes on me. I turn slightly and catch Josh staring at me. I furrow my eyebrows but do nothing of the situation. I wander back up to the counter and grab Josh and the girl's food and walk it over to them.

"Enjoy" I smile as place it in front of them.

"Yep thanks" the girl snips. I roll my eyes as I wander back to the counter and grab my burger. I reach under the counter for ketchup and when I come up I see Josh leaning against the counter.

"I was just about to ask for some of that" he smiles.

"Oh sorry" I reply. "I uh" I stutter.

"The one at the table is empty" he explains.

"Right" I nod as I hand him the bottle I was holding.

"Thank you" he says as he looks down at the plate in front of me. He smirks. "Hungry?" he teases.

"Um yea" I chuckle as I grab a fry and stick it in my mouth. "Working the night shift is exhausting."

"I'm sure" he smiles. "What time do you get off?"

"As soon as your bunny finishes her salad" I snip making him chuckle. "Who is she anyway?"

"Just a girl" he shrugs. "How've you been gorgeous?"

"Busy" I sigh. "Enjoying being eighteen" I add making him chuckle.

"Just had to get that in there didn't you?" he laughs lightly.

"I thought maybe you forgot" I admit.

"Of course not but when Shawn told me about your boyfriend-."

"What?" I ask, my head beginning to spin.

"Yea I mean it's not a big deal. I just don't get why you didn't tell me" he says sadly. I was getting a headache from this conversation.

"Um" I stutter. "That would be because he doesn't exist."

"Hold on what?"

"Josh I don't have a boyfriend" I insist quickly.

"Joshie" the girl coos from the booth. "Are you coming back?"

Josh ignores me and continues to stare at me intently. "Are you serious?" he asks me in shock.

"Um yea. I think I'd know if I was dating someone."

"Joshie" the girl shrieks.

"Here" he slides his credit card across the counter. "Your shift is over now right?" I gnaw my bottom lip and nod. "Good. Give me a sec" he says as he heads back over to the booth. I charge his card as he saunters back over to me.

"Where did the girl go?" I ask confused as I slide his card back over to him.

"Not important. I'm more interested in why Shawn told me you had a boyfriend."

I gnaw my bottom lip and stuff my mouth with fries. Josh grabs my plate and moves it away from me. "Hey" I protest.

"Stop avoiding the question" he smiles softly. "Come on Maya."

"I was supposed to go to CalArts" I explain. He eyes me wearily making me sigh. "Shawn was freaked out about me choosing you over school."

"Why would you have done that?"

"Because I loved you" I admit, grabbing my plate and another fry.


"It didn't matter anyway. I couldn't afford CalArts so my decision was made for me" I sigh.

"I'm sorry Maya."

"It's not your fault I guess my dad just thought he was protecting my future."

"I get it" he shrugs as he reaches across the counter for my hand. "But you are single" he trails off.

"Mhm" I nod, squeezing his hand.

"If I paid for your burger could we count this as a date?"

I blush, averting my eyes. "A date you started with another girl."

"Okay" he gives, putting his hands up in defeat. "Can I take you on a date though?" he asks hopefully making a smile pull at my lips as I lift my gaze to his.

"Maybe" I smile.

"Maybe?" he laughs lightly as he grabs a fry from my plate. "Can I at least have your number?"

"I guess so" I smile, sliding my phone across the counter as he does the same. We exchange numbers and a smile as we hand each other back one another's phones. "You better use that" I tell him playfully.

"Don't worry babe" he smiles as he puts a twenty down on the counter. "Date or not, it's on me" he assures me before walking out of the diner.

"Girl" Sam smirks. "That boy is fine" she draws out the letters making me chuckle as my phone dings.

JOSH: Tonight was fun 😊 What r u doing on Saturday?

"He your boyfriend?" Sam asks curiously.

"I don't know" I admit, gnawing my bottim lip. "Maybe" I smile as I text him back making our date.

Maybe the night shift wasn't so bad.

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