Post Anniversary Bliss

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Maya's POV

I wake up tangled in Josh's arms making a smile pull at my lips as memories of the night before flash before my eyes. I always hoped Josh would be my first but the reality of it happening was beyond crazy but it was true. We had celebrated our one year anniversary the way we had planned for weeks, together in his apartment a few miles away from campus. It was perfect. Of course it was also a Monday night and today was Tuesday.

I glance up at the clock and curse in my head when it reads back seven o'clock. The last thing I want to do after last night is go to class. The list of things I'd rather do start and end with Josh and this bed.

I grab my phone and the bright light illuminating the room basically blinds me, I quickly adjust the brightness before opening my texts.

RILEY: No details...but did you?

I laugh as I read the text. I knew she wouldn't want the details of me losing my virginity to her uncle and I wasn't prepared to give them.


"Who are you texting?" Josh mumbles as he kisses my shoulder blade sending shockwaves through my body as my eyes flutter shut.

"Don't worry about it" I reply as I feel his lips moving up to my shoulder, his hands moving my hair to the side so he can kiss my neck.

"I'm not worried, just curious" he replies softly as he sucks on my neck making me bite my lip as I revel in the feeling of his lips trailing over my skin. "Was it Riles?"

"Mhm" I mumble in response. "But I'm naked in your bed and I really don't want to talk about your niece" I add as he chuckles, his breath tickling my skin.

"Is there something you'd rather do?" he asks but before I can respond my alarm blares making me moan in annoyance.

"Dammit" I mutter as I reach over to shut it off. "I gotta get ready to go to class."

"Stay" he begs as his arms wrap around my waist.

"I want to" I whine as I don't make any struggle to get out of my boyfriend's arms or his bed, "but I can't miss this class" I say before continuing, "again" I add.

"Why do you always skip it?" he asks curiously.

"Because history sucks when your brother isn't teaching it and I think we've reached the limit for the amount of family talk for one morning" I add with a laugh.

"What's one more day?" he asks as I let out a sigh trying to get enough willpower to break out of his warm embrace.

"The difference between academic suspension and going to class" I admit as I pull his arms off me. "I really gotta get ready" I sigh as I climb out of bed and grab his shirt from the floor before walking into the bathroom.

"I like that shirt better on you" he shouts after me making me blush as I shut the door behind me. I quickly get ready and find Josh sitting up in bed scrolling through something on his phone when I return.

"I'll only be a little over an hour" I say as I slip on my shoes. "Then I'm off till one. I can come by and we can eat and stuff."

"What kinda stuff?" he asks playfully making me chuckle as I move my hair back from my face.

"You'll have to wait and see" I smirk as I reach across the bed to peck his lips. "Love you."

"You too" he smiles in return as I pull back and head out of the apartment.


Class sucks and I'm once again reminded why I skip it all the time. I push open the door and I'm stunned in place when my eyes land on the guy standing on the other side of the hallway leaning against the wall, his hair perfectly messy, his black jeans hanging sexily off his hips and his shirt unbuttoned one button too many.

"What are you doing here?" I smile as I walk over to my boyfriend whose eyes sparkle with happiness as they land on mine.

"Picking up my girlfriend so I can take her to breakfast" he replies sweetly. "I was actually planning on waking up before you and cooking you breakfast but school ruined it" he adds with a sad shrug making my heart swell.

"You were gonna make me breakfast in bed?" I ask happily as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Of course I was. We were gonna eat amazing food, watch some horrible television, and never leave my bed" he adds making me face heat up.

"Well why don't we pick up breakfast, watch one of the million shows we have on your DVR and spend the rest of the morning in your bed before you walk me to my afternoon class?" I ask hopefully as he smiles and nods his head in agreement.

"Sounds perfect" he says sweetly as he takes my hand in his. "So you see Riley?" he teases as I let out a laugh and nod my head.

"Yes I did and no we did not talk about it so don't start" I add making him chuckle as he throws his arm around my shoulder.

"Perks of dating your best friend's uncle" he smirks making me smile as I look up at him.

"I wouldn't trade it for the world" I confess as I stop him in his tracks, crashing my lips onto his as the world disappears around us. 

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