Noise Complaint

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Maya's POV

You would think that honeymoon suites would be soundproof. Right? I mean, for obvious reasons they should have the thickest of thick walls. But alas, ours did not which we found out after our third night at the luxurious, Hawaiian resort that we had booked for the next week.

"What should we watch tonight?" Josh asks, coming in from the balcony. He had volunteered to lay out our swimsuits to dry while I was sprawled lazily across the bed.

"The ceiling" I reply cheekily without looking away from the television. They had no Netflix hook-up so we were left with watching video on demand like we're in the damn stone age.

"Haha" he retorts, plucking the remote from my hand. "Aren't you worn out yet?" He lies back among the pillows at the top of the bed while my head rests at the opposite end, my feet in the air.

"Is that even possible?" I ask, craning my head to look at him. "It's our honeymoon."

"Yes and we've nearly broken this bed for the past three nights, don't you think our neighbors' ears deserve a break."

I roll my eyes, moving to lie beside him. His eyes follow me. "They can't hear us. It's the honeymoon suite which sorta comes with the implication of fornication and soundproof walls."

He quirks an eyebrow at me, a laugh spilling from his lips. "Did you just say fornication?"

"I could've said consummation" I point out. His face contorts as if the word has caused him physical pain and I giggle. "I'm just saying" I defend.

"Yea, well say less."

"Make me" I taunt, using the most immature form of flirting that there is.

He narrows his eyes and while I'm busy reading his expression I don't notice that he's snagged a pillow until it comes flying at me. I yelp, holding up my hands too late as I go tumbling over in a fit of laughter.

"That seemed to work" he teases, hovering over me with the pillow still in hand.

"You. Are. Evil" I pant, trying to catch my breath. "And you're lucky I love you" I add, reaching up and pulling him down for a kiss that distracts him just long enough for me to grab a pillow myself and attack him.

He pulls away from me in shock, his eyes widening as he eyes the pillow in my hand and the victorious smirk in my lips. "Oh. It's like that, huh?"

And then he's off the bed, collecting pillow ammunition while I scramble onto the floor to take cover behind the bed.

"Yea cause I'll never find you there." His voice is right above me and I shriek, looking up and finding him lying on the bed above me. The pillow hits me on the head.

"Josh" I exclaim, jumping up and hugging my single pillow to my chest.

"You started this" he claims falsely.

"No I did not" I defend, backing up against the wall. A poor choice on my behalf because soon enough the man has me cornered.

"You can deny it all you want" he says, stopping just steps away from me with three pillows hanging from his hands, "but you did indeed start this by challenging me."

"I didn't challenge you!" Well maybe I challenged him a little bit. But that was my job as a wife.

"Semantics." And then the pillows are thrown at me one by one making me drop mine and fall to the ground in a heap of...happiness. As I sit on the floor laughing uncontrollably, watching my husband double over, I feel so happy. Happier than I ever thought I could be.

"Come here." When he's calmed down he reaches out for my hand and I take it, standing up and stumbling clumsily into his arms but he's there to catch me. "I gotcha" he says, righting me on my feet. My ribs are sore from laughing and the smile on my lips is permanently stuck.

"Still tired?" I ask breathlessly.

"Not even a little" he replies, crashing his lips onto mine and just as I'm about to successfully rid him of his sweatpants, there's a knock on the door. "Fuck" he groans, ripping his lips from mine.

"Should've taken me when you had the chance" I tease. He flips me off, stepping away from me and heading towards the door with me on his heels. When he opens the door there's an employee of the resort standing on the other side.

"Uh...hello." Josh says, leaning casually against the doorframe. "May we help you?"

"So sorry to bother you" the man says, his eyes straying towards me. I'm made conscious of my clothing choice or lack there of as his eyes wander over me. I had only been wearing Josh's button-up from dinner and a pair of lace panties that you could see beneath the thin material.

Josh takes notice of the man's roaming eyes and snaps his fingers at the man. Coincidentally with the hand that holds his wedding band. "Hey. This isn't a peep show. Do you need something?"

"Oh. Um." The man stutters and turns red as if he's never seen a woman in his life.

Josh looks impatiently over his shoulder back at me. He sighs. "Look, if you have nothing to say-."

"Noise complaint" he blurts out. My eyebrows furrow as I step towards Josh.

"Noise complaint? We're in the honeymoon suite." The irony is astounding.


Josh purses his lips. The young man was clearly not experienced which was sweet but unhelpful for our argument. "And," Josh begins with emphasis, "if you're not loud you aren't doing it right."

"Joshua." My cheeks turn bright red then, my hand flying out to hit him. "I'm sorry about him" I apologize, "and we'll attempt to he quieter "

"Like hell we will" Josh mutters. I glare at him and he quiets.

I offer the flustered young man one last saccharine smile and finally he leaves.

"Well that was fun."

"That's a word for it" I reply with a chuckle. "How are the walls not soundproof? And how much have they heard?"

"It's better not to think about it" he says dismissively, stepping towards me.

I step back. "How do I not think about it? Have we sat next to people at breakfast who have heard us...doing things?"

"Doing things? Are we fifteen?"

"I wasn't allowed to touch you when I was fifteen" I remind him. He was eighteen by then.

"Whatever." His arms loop around my waist. "Let them hear. I want you. In our bed. Now."

I take my bottom lip between my teeth. "What if we get another noise complaint?"

"Oh baby I'm counting on it."

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