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Maya's POV

It's Thurday morning and I'm sitting at the kitchen table with my mom and Shawn, eating breakfast and waiting for 6:45 to roll around so that I can head out to pick up Riley. It's the beginning of June and we were almost done with our senior year of high school.

As I take another bite of my cereal I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pull it out and smile slightly at the name flashing on my screen. 

BOING: Good morning gorgeous 🌞

MAYA: Good morning boing 🌞

BOING: What would you say if I told you that my roommate was going out of town for the weekend? 

MAYA: I'd ask why you're telling me

BOING: I miss you 😢

MAYA: I miss you too, but I'm still confused

BOING: Come over

I drop my spoon into my bowl of cereal, scaring my parents who are now looking at me as if I'm insane. Josh and I weren't officially dating but I was eighteen and we had both made it clear that someday was going to be starting sooner rather than later. 

MAYA: Dad would never let me

BOING: Tell him you're at Riley's. Please. 

I consider it for a second but then I grow worried.

A whole night. Alone. With Josh.

What if he expected something, something I really didn't think I was ready for. Would he be upset if I turned him down? Would he break off our someday? 

"Mom may I be excused?" I ask politely. 

"Of course baby girl" she answers and I get up and walk towards my bedroom. I still had ten minutes before I had to leave, just enough time to call Josh. I dial the familiar number and he picks up on the first ring. 

"What's wrong?" he asks already knowing I was panicked. 

"Why do you want me to come over?" I ask deciding to get right to the point. 

"I miss you" Josh confesses sweetly. 

"Josh come on. An empty apartment. Me and you. What's the expectation?" I ask worriedly. After I ask my question the line goes silent and I know I was right. "That's what I thought. I'm sorry. I ca-." I start but Josh cuts me off. 

"Maya there is no expectation" he says taking me by surprise. "I miss you. That's all. We aren't even official yet Maya. You've only been eighteen for a little over four months. I'm not ready to jump into that yet" he confesses. "I just really wanted to see you. I'm sorry if I pressured you in any way."

I let out a deep sigh. Of course there was no expectation. This was Josh we were talking about. He may still be a boy but he had boundaries and I knew he respected me.

"Okay, now I'm embarrassed" I admit. "You didn't pressure me, I pressured myself. I guess I just-I got in my head. I'm sorry Josh. I'll try to come over. I miss you too" I add honestly.

"You really don't have to Maya. It's okay. Another time" he says in defeat but I shake my head.

"No, I'll be there. I'll see you tonight" I reply decisively, hanging up so he can't argue with me. I had made an ass out of myself and I was determined to fix it. Tonight was going to be perfect.

~ 💙💤💙 ~

"Where are you really going though?" Riley asks me while we sit on the subway on our way to school. After I got off the phone with Josh I asked my mom if I could sleep over at Riley's and she gave me permission so all I had to do was let Riley in on the plan. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now