Dyeing to Tell You

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*A/N: The picture above is how eggs look after using the invisible crayon that I reference in the chapter. I don't know if everyone is familiar with it so I wanted to include a picture to eliminate any confusion*

Josh's POV

"Hold on" Maya exclaims, grabbing the cart that I was pushing through the aisles of the grocery store. I come to a halt, furrowing my eyebrows at my gorgeous wife while her eyes flit around the aisle of Easter decor. 

"Is there something we need?" I ask while my eyes rake over the endless supply of plastic eggs, fake grass and baskets. We had only been married a little over two months and children, while in our future, weren't in existence at the moment and we were far too old for egg hunts so I was confused as to why we needed to stop in this aisle. 

"Egg dye" she replies, twisting around to look at me. Her blue eyes sparkle with excitement and I can't help but chuckle when her lips quirk into a giddy grin. If there was one thing my wife loved it was an excuse for an art project. "You did plan on dyeing eggs this year, right?" she asks pointedly and I shrug. 

"I mean-."

"Joshua Gabriel Matthews" she groans, bracing herself against the cart. "Whatever will I do with you?" I quirk an eyebrow at her, holding in my inappropriate retort but Maya has been with me far too long not to know exactly where my mind ran off to. "Ugh, not like that!" 

I laugh as she turns back around and surveys all the available dyes before grabbing two of them off the shelf and tossing them into the cart. "Okay" she says decisively. "Now we just need two dozen eggs."


As soon as the groceries are unpacked my wife is digging around in cabinets on the hunt for something. I lean back against the counter and cross my arms over my chest, watching her chaotically move about the room. "Honey, what exactly are you looking for?"

"The vinegar" she replies without hesitation. "It's what gives the eggs the most vibrant colors" she adds as way of explanation. "I thought we had some-." I let her go on about her confusion over the vinegar's stealthiness while I turn around and reach into the cabinet beside the oven. I push a couple jars out of the way and pull out the vinegar. 


Maya turns around and a smile spreads across her lips when she sees the vinegar in my hands. "I knew I married you for a reason" she hums, skipping towards me and reaching out for the vinegar but I yank it back before her slim fingers can fully wrap themselves around the bottle. 

"And why is that?" I press, a playful smirk pulling at my lips. I loved messing with Maya. Since she was fourteen years old I've always been able to easily get under her skin and it had become a sort of game to me to some extent. She was adorable when she pretended to be upset with me. 

"Josh" she pouts, pressing her lips in a fine line. "Come on."

"I'll give you what you want after you tell me all the reasons you let me putt hat sparkly ring on your finger" I tease causing her eyes to instinctively flicker down towards her engagement ring and wedding band that rested permanently on her left ring finger. 

She looks back up at me and smiles softly. "Because you're a giant goof" she replies. "And because you're everything I could've ever dreamed of." 

My face softens and I lower the vinegar towards her and she immediately reaches out to grab it but groans when I pull it back again, stumbling into my chest. "Woah" she gasps, throwing her hands out in front of herself to brace her fall. My chest catches her. 

"You're such a klutz babe" I tease, resting the vinegar on the counter as I reach out to caress her cheek. Her cheeks turn bright red as a soft chuckle falls from her lips. 

"They say you should always find yourself falling for your husband over and over again." I laugh, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to her lips. 

"I love you too" I murmur, glancing at the dining room table. "Perhaps we should finally get some eggs decorated."

"Perhaps" she agrees, giggling at me as we grab the supplies and head to the table. 


"Where's the invisible crayon?" Maya asks, pushing cups full of dye out of her way. My eyes widen as I reach out to steady them before the slosh over onto the table. I swore sometimes I thought that children would be less messy than my wife when she was struck with an artistic vision. 

"I don't know" I reply, clutching the cups. "But can we be a little more care-."

"Found it" she exclaims, plucking it off the table underneath a sheet of stickers. She smiles, pressing the crayon against the egg shell and I release a deep breath, deciding it's safe to stop holding the cups and lean back in my seat. 

We had finished all but one egg which was the one Maya was working on and I was planning on making lunch with a few of them after we finished up. 

I watch Maya dip the egg into the pink dye before standing up and beginning to collect the things we were finished with but when I reach for the blue dye her hand darts out to stop me. "Wait" she exclaims, placing her hand on top. "Leave that one" she instructs. I quirk an eyebrow at her but don't press the issue, instead I focus on cleaning the rest of the mess. 

I'm in the kitchen washing dye down the sink when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Yes?" I chuckle, turning around to find Maya giddily holding the egg out to me. "What's this?" I ask confusedly. 

"I dyed it so you can read the message now" she explains as if I didn't know how the 'magic' crayon worked. 

"Yes honey I know that but what's so special-?" I ask, reaching out for the egg and carefully holding it out in front of me to read and when I do my words catch in my throat and my eyes widen to the size of saucers. I look away from the egg towards my wife and find her nervously biting into her bottom lip. 

"I-I know we wanted to wait but I-I took a test and-."

"We're having a baby?" I ask in shock, staring back at the words "I'm pregnant" that she had written on the blue and pink egg. 

"Are you mad?" she asks worriedly, wringing her hands in front of me in nervousness. I place the egg carefully on the counter and step closer to my wife, pressing my hands against her cheeks. 

"I could never, ever be mad about us starting a family" I reply honestly while my heart pounds in my chest. The thought of becoming a father was scary as hell but I had Maya and that made it all seem so much more real and exciting. "Is this why we had to dye eggs today?" I ask and she nods, quirking her lips. 

"I found out two days ago and have been dying to tell you...no pun intended" she giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck. "And you're sure you're okay?"

I roll my eyes, turning her around so she's the one against the counter and drop my hands down to her waist. "Do I need to show you just how okay I am?" I ask teasingly. She looks back to the dining room table and points to the mess she left behind. 

"What about the mess?"

I laugh, hoisting her up onto the counter and stepping between her legs. "Baby, the day I married an artist any dreams I had of a clean house went out the window and now that you're pregnant" I trail off, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Well, I suppose I should just get used to organized chaos."

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle it?" 

I smile, slipping my hand underneath her shirt and placing my hand over her belly. "I wouldn't have married you if I couldn't. I love you Maya."

"I love you too" she agrees, pulling my lips towards hers as we lose ourselves among the mess in the middle of our kitchen. 

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