Why Did We Break Up?

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*Inspired By: Different for Girls by Dierks Bentley feat. Elle King*


Josh's POV

We knew it was coming. We had been trying for so long to make it work but at the end of the day we just weren't meant to be. It wasn't anyone's fault and we have no hard feelings but that doesn't make it hurt any less. "Are you really going out again?" Andrew asks as I grab my wallet and my car keys off my nightstand.

"Why do you care?" I snip making him roll his eyes.

"Because since M-."

"Do not say her name" I seethe making my best friend sigh.

"Since you and her decided to end things you've been hooking up with random girls from the bar every night. Is that really how you want to deal with your breakup?"

"Andrew how about you mind your own fucking business" I reply angrily as I open the door. "Don't wait up" I snip as I slam the door behind me.


Maya's POV

I'm in the bathroom doing my makeup when Riley appears in the doorway, leaning against it. "Hey" she says lightly. Tonight was my first night out since my breakup with Josh and she was a little worried about me and my emotional stability. I had spent the last two weeks drowning in ice cream and painful romantic comedies but it was time for me to finally get back out there.

"Hi" I smile as I finish my mascara and open my eye shadow palate. "Am I running behind schedule?" I ask worriedly. We were meeting Farkle and Smackle and I knew how much Riley hated being late to things.

"No" she shakes her head. "I was just checking on you." I roll my eyes as I pick out a smoky color to accentuate my eyelids.

"Honey I'm okay" I assure her. In truth my heart still hurt a lot but I wasn't positive that that feeling would ever go away. Josh was my first love and for almost ten years I had believed he was my soulmate. Now he was nothing more than my first ex-boyfriend, one of many I could only presume.

"Mkay" she smiles as she moves to give me a quick hug from behind. "I love you."

"Love you too honey" I laugh lightly before she leaves to finish getting ready herself. I look down at my phone and grab it, opening my contacts and finding Josh's. Sometimes I wondered if he thought about me half as much as I thought about him. If he ever thought we made a mistake. With me still being in college and him starting his career it just became too much. We were once again in two different places in our lives and we couldn't find a way to make it work. I sigh and place my phone back onto the counter before taking one last look in the mirror and walking away.


Josh's POV

Every girl that goes out on Friday nights tries way too hard. They're all wearing practically nothing with their breasts and their asses hanging out of their clothes. They all look trashy and desperate but then again I'm just as desperate minus the trashy. I'm on my second beer of the night and the memory of Maya is starting to get a little smaller but I'd need about four more until I could totally escape her for even a little while. I pull out my phone and find her contact name. I had almost called her more times than I could count. I didn't know what I'd do if she picked up. Beg for her back? Lie and tell her I'm doing great without her? Act like I wasn't a complete disaster? I throw my phone onto the bar and order another drink as a red head comes up to me. "Hi" she greets.

"Hi" I reply unenthusiastically.

"Something bothering you?" she asks as she places her hand on my arm. "I know the perfect way to make you feel better" she adds. Did I mention they were also bold?

"I-." I start when the door opens and a flash of blonde hair catches my eye.



Maya's POV

I walk in and immediately my eyes land on Josh with a slutty red head draped over him. My heart sinks to the bottom of my chest and I feel as if I can't breathe. "Peaches I didn't know he'd be here" Riley insists.

"I can't be here" I say quickly as I turn around and walk right back out the door. How could guys do that? Move on so quickly as if they weren't in love with you five seconds ago. I've been drowning my sorrows for weeks in ice cream and he's already screwing someone else. I can't catch my breath and I don't even register the tears rolling down my face.

Or the voice calling my name.

"Maya" he shouts as he grabs my arms making me turn to face him. He looks awful in all honesty. I mean he's still Josh so he's attractive what with his sparkling blue eyes and shaggy brown hair but it looks like he hasn't slept in weeks and he's not dressed in more than a pair of jeans and a concert tee.

"What?" I break into sobs as I stare at him. "She seems lovely Josh. I'm happy for you."

"Happy for what? That red head that threw herself at me? We're not together Maya" he insists. Hearing my name roll off his tongue causes shivers to run down my spine.

"I don't think that makes me feel any better" I admit as I wipe away my tears quickly. I hated that I was allowing him to see how broken he had made me.

"It's been a long few weeks" he sighs, rubbing his neck.

"It seems you've been busy" I reply, crossing my arms over my chest as I stare at him expectantly. "How many have already taken my place huh?" I ask, awaiting an answer I didn't want.

"I haven't slept with anyone" he insists. "But there've been a lot of drunken mistakes" he admits. "Maya" he says softly, walking towards me. "I miss you."

"You miss me?" I scoff.

"Yes I miss you" he says seriously. "Maya I think we made a huge mistake" he admits making my eyes widen in shock as I stare him. He couldn't be serious. This was a dream. This wasn't really happening.

"A mistake?" I ask softly. "Josh how drunk are you?" I chuckle making a small smile pull at his lips as he reaches out to caress my cheek.

"Baby I'm more sober right now than I've been in weeks" he says making my heart flutter at the pet name. "If we really love each other we should be willing to make this work. It's only three years" he adds making me laugh. It sounded weird hearing only and three years in the same sentence.

"We broke up for a reason" I remind him, my voice small and cracking because of the tears that are threatening to start spilling over again at any second.

"I know" he says softly as he closes the distance between us. "So we could get back together" he adds before crashing his lips onto mine. I kiss him back with matched urgency as our kiss deepens and a soft moan escapes my lips. His hands drop from my face to my hips, pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and tug at the hair at the nape of his neck eliciting a low groan from the back of his throat. He pulls back breathlessly and smiles at me. "I missed you so damn much" he breathes out.

"I missed you too" I admit finally making a smile pull at his lips. "Come home" I beg as I stare into his stunning blue eyes.

"Of course" he smiles before leaning back into kiss me.


A/N: If anyone got that Boy Meets World reference you are the absolute best! If you didn't go watch the Happiest Show on Earth episode of BMW, it's one of my favorites 😄 Sorry it's been so long without an update, getting somewhere where my laptop can access internet has been the biggest struggle in the history of struggles. And I was a little busy seeing Sabrina in concert on Friday!!!! But I have so many ideas for one shots that are coming soon so stay tuned! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed the update!

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