Seeing Him With Someone Else

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*Inspired By: First by Niki & Gabi*

~ 🎶🎵🎶 ~

Maya's POV

"You're great but I am too"

Getting over a breakup is hard. There's no disputing that fact. I spent three weeks straight in my dorm room, drowning in ice cream and romantic comedies that I swore up and down that I would never be caught dead watching. But after a while you pick yourself up and start living your life again. Everything is going great until the day that it isn't. It's the day you knew would come but nothing ever prepares you for it.

The day they find someone new.

I'm not one to pass judgement. I've never met the girl in my life but news of Josh's new girl sends shockwaves through campus and a knife through my heart. I never hear the end of it, and tonight is no different. I'm sitting in Cory and Topanga's kitchen for Josh's birthday dinner avoiding eye contact with him while I push my mashed potatoes around on my plate.

"You two are just the cutest thing" Topanga exclaims causing me to cringe internally. It's like she had forgotten that he was with me only a few short months ago. "How is school Megan?" she asks curiously. I sigh, listening to the girl drown on about her Pharmacology class that she's acing. She was smart. Of course Josh was into her.

"May I be excused?" I ask hopefully. Cory shoots me an apologetic smile and nods his head. Thankfully I raise out of my chair and escape to Riley's bay window. I throw myself onto it, hearing the door open seconds later.

"Peaches" Riley sighs, walking over to me and pulling me into her arms as she sits on the window. I rest my head on her legs and sob. "Don't cry" she says softly, rubbing my back soothingly.

"She's smart and pretty" I cry. "No wonder he likes her. She's nothing like me."

Riley shakes her head, gazing down at me. "Maya you're gorgeous and you're super smart" she argues. "My uncle is an idiot" she adds for the millionth time since our breakup. I take a deep breath, sitting up and smiling at her.

"Thanks Riles."

"Anytime Peaches."

"Everything he has with you, he had with me first"

Like everything, time makes things better. Except of course when I see them studying and stealing kisses under a tree in the quad. Something you used to do together.

What never made sense to me was why we broke up in the first place. We were so incredibly happy, or so I thought. I never saw it coming. I remember the day he walked into my room, eyes locked on the floor and his voice low and apologetic as he ripped my heart to shreds. Tears well in my eyes but I push them back. I wouldn't break. Not again.

~ 🎶🎵🎶 ~

College football games were always fun. Cheering on Lucas and Josh with Riley by my side had become a tradition in our couple years here but now it was me and Riley, Lucas' personal cheerleaders. I watch as Josh takes the ball to the end zone for a touchdown and while the stadium erupts in cheers my eyes follow his to a girl in the stands. Megan. He sends a wink her way and my heart shatters. I had always thought that was our thing. I take a deep breath, blowing out the air slowly and Riley takes notice, taking my hand in hers.

"You had him first" she shrugs, a smirk pulling at her lips. I giggle, nodding my head.

"I did" I agree. "I had him first" I realize, a wave of calm rushing over me. Everything she had with him, he had with me first. I shouldn't be jealous. She should be. I can't help the smile that pulls at my lips as I clap, cheering for my team and feeling at peace for the first time in months.

"I'm great, I'm doing fine. Happier than I've been in my life"

"You're going out?" Riley teases making me chuckle. I nod, slipping into a pair of stilettos.

"Zay is gonna be here any second to pick me up" I smile as I hear a knock on my door. "That's probably him" I add. I walk over to the door and pull it open, finding Josh on the other side. His eyes are bloodshot and tears are welled in his eyes. I stare at him in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I think I made a mistake" he says making my eyes widen. There was no way I heard him right. I was happy. I had finally started to move on. I had made peace with our breakup. I was fine, perfect actually.

"I" I stutter, unsure of what to say.

"Maya" Zay says, appearing in the doorway. Josh's gaze moves to the boy standing awkwardly to the side whose eyes are locked on me.

"I have a date" I reply weakly to Josh. I grab my purse and step out the door, moving towards Zay but Josh catches my wrist.

"Maya we should talk" Josh says, staring into my eyes intently. I sigh, shaking my head and removing his hand from my wrist.

"The time for talking is long over Josh" I sigh, turning my gaze to Zay and slipping my hand into his. "Goodbye Josh" I add before following Zay out the door.

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