Love at Coachella

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*Inspired by Drop Top by Keith Urban feat. Kassi Ashton*

Maya's POV

"She's going to Coachella with feathers in her hair. She's got a past and a dream-catcher in her rear-view mirror"

When Riley suggested that we get out of town I thought she meant New Jersey or something. Little did I know she meant Coachella, the music festival on the other side of the country. Usually I would wave off the suggestion and insist we just stay home but that was before. Now, all I wanted was to get as far away from New York and him  as possible. Which is how me, Smackle, Riley, and Darby ended up on a road trip to California. 

"I'm in love with the shape of you" the girls all sing at the top of their lungs as my hand flows through the air. I laugh at their terribly off-key singing before joining in and singing along until the song fades out and a commercial takes over. 

"About ten miles left girls" I announce as I turn left at a stop sign and continue towards Palm Springs. The girls all nod in understanding and I relax, listening to an ad for the radio station. 

"So, have you thought about what you're going to do if you run into him tonight?" Smackle asks causing a hush to fall over the car. 

I quickly turn around to look at her with my eyes widened. "If I see who?" I demand, my heart rate speeding up with every passing second that she remains silent, looking at me as if she just said something she shouldn't have.

"Smackle I told you not to tell her" Darby exclaims in frustration before turning her attention towards me. "Just, finish driving" she insists.

I groan before turning back around and continuing off down the road until finally we arrive and I'm able to park the car. "Spill" I demand as I turn around sharply in my seat to face my friends in the backseat.

Darby sighs as she pulls out her phone, seemingly looking for a post of some sort before raising it to my eyes. I take a look at the screen and my heart drops. 

Josh was here. 

"Is this some sort of set-up?" I demand angrily, looking around the group accusingly. 

"Of course not" Riley assures me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Peaches calm down. We never would've suggested this if we knew he would be here."

I look over at my best friend and nod my head. I knew Riley and I knew that if she did do something as horrible as try to set me and Josh up she would at least admit it. 

"Look, it's a good opportunity for you to show him what he's missing" Darby says positively. 

"Yea" Smackle adds on. "Come on. You look amazing" she insists, motioning to my outfit which consisted of a pair of jeans and a lace crop top that i had paired with a feather crown. 

"She's right. Come on, let's go make him sorry he ever broke up with you."

"Saturday night, feeling alright. Show him what he lost in my jeans skin tight"

"What are even the odds that we'll run into him anyway?" Smackle asks as we walk onto the grounds and it's as if she jinxed it the moment the words left her lips because seconds later my eyes meet his from only a few feet away. 

"I'd say one in a million yet-." I trail off as I stare at him. The boy that broke my heart. 

"Come on. We need drinks" Riley insists as she rests her hand on my back and leads me towards a cocktail tent. 


Josh's POV

"What the hell?" I demand, glaring at Andrew. "What the fuck is Maya doing here?"

He laughs, shrugging his shoulders. "I have no idea man" he replies, clearly lying. I shake my head at him. He knew why I had to break up with Maya and he wasn't making things easier by throwing her in front of me. 

"You're such a fucking liar" I exclaim in frustration. "Andrew come on" I groan. He rolls his eyes as he passes me a drink. 

"Look, I'm doing you a favor. You still want to be with her, you only broke up with her because you let Tiffany scare you."

At this point I'm fuming with anger. "She may have set me up but I still kissed her" I reply but he rolls his eyes at me again. 

"She kissed you" he points out. "You pushed her away."

"Maya won't care about the semantics" I argue. If I thought she would understand I wouldn't have broken up with her. It was bad enough that I had kept dating her after the kiss but I knew I was screwed when Tiffany told me she'd tell her if I didn't just end things. I knew it was selfish but I would rather her hate me for simply breaking her heart than cheating on her.

"Maya is exactly the kind of girl that cares about semantics. Just fess up and get the girl back. I'm sick of seeing you wallow" he complains as he finishes off his drink and walks away. 

"Shades on, dancing with my hands up high"

I stand near her the entire concert. I keep enough distance that it's not exactly weird but it's close enough that I can watch her. Healthy behavior I know.

I watch her get lost in the chorus to the song that's being sung and I can't help the smile that pulls at my lips watching her dance with her hands up high without a care in the world. 

I finish off the drink in my hand and stalk towards her, grabbing her hips and pulling her towards me. She gasps and immediately turns to face me. "Josh" she says, lifting up her sunglasses. "What the hell?" she demands, breaking from my embrace. 

"I-I need to talk to you." Her eyebrows lift in surprise. 

"Right now?" I nod. She groans. "Josh I really just want to-."

"Tiffany kissed me" I blurt out. Her eyes widen. 

"Tiffany. That girl that always texted you when we were together?" she asks and I nod. She sighs, pinching the skin on the bridge of her nose. "Josh why are you telling me this?"

"Because even though I pushed her away I didn't think you'd understand. I-I thought it wouldn't matter and when Tiff told me she'd tell you herself I-I couldn't let you hate me for cheating on you."

"Joshua Gabriel Matthews" she shouts, slapping me. "Is that how little you think of me? You think I wouldn't have believed you? Or thought that somehow the kiss was warranted?"


"Do you still love me?" she asks. My breath catches in my throat and all I can do is nod. A smile takes over her face as she reaches up and kisses me. 

I smile against her lips, looping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. "You are such an idiot" she giggles as we pull apart. 

"Am I at least your idiot?" 

Her smile lights up even brighter as she nods her head. "Absolutely" she confirms before reaching up for another kiss. 

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