Drunk Texting

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Josh's POV

"C'mon dude just down it. It takes .3 seconds and it'll be over and done with" Andrew insists. I roll my eyes. I didn't even want to come out tonight but my best friend was insistent and now he and my friends were trying to get me to do a round of shots with them. I sigh, glancing down at the time.

It was already past eleven which meant that I wouldn't have time to Skype Maya tonight like I usually would on a Friday night. "Fine" I concede. Maybe if I did one shot they'd leave me alone for the rest of the night. "Cheers" I say as we clink our glasses and throw the shots back.


I wake up with a pounding headache. I couldn't remember anything past my first shot but I was sure paying for the mysterious drinks this morning.

I sit up slowly and Andrew laughs as he walks in with his towel around his waist. "Dude, you were a riot last night" he says and I groan, pressing the palms of my hands against my eyes.

"What happened? How many drinks did I have?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't know, I lost count" he says nonchalantly. "But it had to be a lot because you actually played Truth or Dare with us" he adds and my eyes widen. There was a reason I avoided that game like the plague. My friends were brutal when it came to Truth or Dare, they came up with dares that you could certainly wake up to regret.

"Please tell me I only did truths" I beg. I could live with letting out a few secrets-.

"I mean you did and that's how Brady found out about your little crush on a certain freshman" he smirks and my jaw drops open. I've had a crush on Maya since she was in high school and now that she's in college I've thought about asking her out a few times but everytime I clam up and end up saying nothing.

"What happened after he found out?" I ask, truly terrified of the answer. He smirks.

"He dared you to text her and tell her."

I stare at him for a long moment. "For the love of everything please tell me I told him to shove it."

He laughs, pulling a shirt over his head. "Quite the opposite actually...you texted her and confesses your undying love for her. Check your thread."

I panic as I lunge for my phone and open my thread with Maya. My eyes widen. "Shit. Shit. Shit" I repeat over and over again. This was a disaster. I look and find that she has yet to read the text and I let out a sign of relief. "I gotta go" I exclaim, jumping out of bed and reaching for clothes strewn across the floor. Andrew smirks.

"Good luck man" he shouts as I yank open the door and rush off down the hallway.

Unfortunately for me, since I'm a senior and Maya is a freshman our dorms are lightyears away and I knew I only had a matter of minutes until she'd check her phone waiting for our ten o'clock phone call we have every Saturday morning while she's supposed to be studying in the library.

I sprint across campus and let out a breath of relief when her residence hall comes into view. If I could catch her on the way to the library I could come up with some excuse to use her phone and erase the text.

I open the door and step inside, finding Maya stopped at the desk talking to Zay. I let out a deep breath, calming my nerves before walking up to her. "Hey Maya" I greet her. She smiles when she sees me.

"Josh" she exclaims. "Decide to join me this morning instead of distracting me through the phone?" she asks teasingly.

I chuckle. "Something like that" I reply. "Actually I was going to ask if I could use your phone real quick. I left mine in my dorm and I want to text Andrew and let him know where I ran off to.

She nods. "You know, perhaps you should work on that memory of yours" she says playfully as she pulls out her phone but instead of handing it over she unlocks it and giggles. "Wait, did you text me to tell me you were coming?" she asks, opening the text and I wish I could disappear as her eyes run over each line.

"Maya, I can explain-."

"W-when did you send this?" she asks and I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"Last night. I was drunk and-and I am so sorry. That is obviously not how I wanted to tell you-."

She shakes her head. "Not here" she insists, grabbing my arm and leading me back upstairs to her dorm. She closes the door and locks it behind her. "Do you mean this...besides the horrible typos?" she asks and I take a deep breath before nodding.

"I've wanted to tell you for so long-."

She cuts me off by pressing her lips to mine. I'm shocked and for a moment I stand there still as a statue but then I get it together and begin kissing her back.

Too soon we pull apart and I find her smiling at me. "Took you long enough" she giggles and my heart swells. "But in the future I'd prefer all other declarations of love to be made when you're sober."

I chuckle, nodding my head. "Deal" I agree easily before leaning back down to kiss her.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now