Calling Off Someday?

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*Inspired By: That Should Be Me by Justin Bieber*


Josh's POV

"Rumors spreading bout this other guy"

"Dude there's a party at the sorority house tonight. Are we going?" Andrew asks excitedly as he slaps my back while we walk out of our history class.

"Why would we go?" I ask in confusion as I look over to my best friend.

"Um there are hot girls. Need I say more?" he asks as I chuckle shaking my head.

"Dude you know I'm taken" I say seriously as I look over at him but his eyes quickly avert to the ground making me confused. "Dude you okay?" I ask as we stop, annoying the people around us.

"There are rumors" he says carefully as he looks back up at me making me confused as I stare back at him.

"What kind of rumors Drew?" I ask getting worried the longer he drags this out.

"The kind that say Maya has a boyfriend" he says slowly, "and they aren't talking about you."

"What are you talking about? Maya and I have an unofficial thing going, everyone knows that" I say in confusion as I search my best friend's face for answers. "Who is it?" I ask suddenly as Drew chews his bottom lip in nervousness.

"Some freshman, I'm not really sure. She's rushing the sorority with your niece. If you go to the party you could see what's up" he suggests as I sigh.

"Yea okay fine" I give in. I had to get to the bottom of this.

"That should be me holding your hand"

We walk into the party and we're swarmed with girls. They're nice to look at but I'm only looking for one person. I see a flash of blonde hair heading up the stairs, her hand in someone else's. I think back to holding her hand at the ski lodge, how perfectly it felt in mine. Or how contently we walked around all summer, her hand never leaving mine. The jealousy overwhelming me.

My heart stops when Maya's frozen blue eyes land on mine, shock written on her face as she spots me. She quickly looks down at the brunette boy following behind her before dashing up the stairs. I grow more confused as I push my way through the crowd, taking the steps two at a time.

When I reach the second floor I run into someone, literally. I'm relieved to find it's just my niece.

"Where is Maya?" I demand as she looks at me nervously.

"Uncle Josh she was gonna tell you" she says softly as my heart sinks, this wasn't happening.

"Riley where is she?" I ask gently as she sighs.

"I'll tell you but if she asks you found her on your own. And I'm only telling you because I hate her boyfriend and I love you. Her room is the last one on the left side of the hall. Good luck" she smiles as she brushes past me, heading downstairs.

I take a deep breath, walking down to her room and pushing the door open.

"Did you forget all the plans that you made with me"

I open the door and find Maya making out on her bed with her apparent boyfriend, her shirt tossed onto the floor and his on the nightstand beside her bed. The sight makes me sick to my stomach.

"Josh what the hell?" she exclaims as she sits up, her chest rising and falling quickly, apparently out of breath from kissing the boy beneath her.

"That's my line" I say sternly as I cross my arms across my chest.

"I'll see you later baby" the boy says and as he stands up I realize I know him. Charlie. I laugh to myself as the boy slips out of the room, staring at Maya seriously.

"Josh" she tries but I shake my head.

"What happened to the long game? If you wanted to call off someday all you had to do was tell me" I say simply as her face falls, her gaze falling onto her bed.

"I was gonna tell you."

"When?" I shout angrily. "Maya what the hell? This summer everything was fine, what happened?" I ask in confusion because I thought we were fine, better than fine. Especially after what happened on Fourth of July and again almost every week afterwards.

"School happened. Suddenly I was your secret and that's not what I want Josh."

"My secret? Right because no one knows how insanely in love I am with you" I say sternly as her eyes widen.


"I need to know should I fight for our love"

"You're kidding right?" I ask as I scoff at the girl in front of me. "Maya we had sex. I wouldn't have ever touched you if I wasn't in love with you" I say seriously as a smile pulls at her lips. "But you're sleeping with Charlie now so that's fucking fantastic" I sigh as I turn to leave but she hops off the bed, catching my wrist.

"I never slept with him. You're the only person Josh I swear" she says seriously. "I'm an idiot, an idiot who loves you too" she adds as I turn to face her. "Josh I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."

"What do you want me to do Maya?" I ask softly, "say the word and I'm yours or tell me to go and you'll never see me again."

"I want to be with you Josh. I've always wanted to be with you" she smiles making my heart skip.

"Good because you're the only person I want Maya" I say happily as I lean down to press a soft kiss to her lips before pulling back. "But um what are you gonna do about Charlie?"

"I'll break up with him tomorrow, tonight I just want to be here with you" she smiles as her lips land back on mine.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now