Fears and Tears ✅

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Maya's POV

It's a random Friday in the middle of January when I walk into the Matthews' house with Riley after school. Amy and Alan are sitting at the table with Topanga crying. A few seconds later Mr. Matthews comes up behind Riley and I.

"Girls why are you standing in the doorway?" he asks before he looks up but as soon as he does his face falls. "What's going on?" he exclaims pushing past us.

"Josh is in the hospital" Amy explains and the second the words leave her mouth my heart sinks.

Josh. Joshua Matthews. My someday.

"What happened?" I blurt out without thinking.

"He's sick" Alan says sadly and suddenly I'm confused. I get sick all the time but I've never had to go to the hospital. Riley reads my confusion and whispers in my ear.

"Josh almost died when he was born from a lung infection. Ever since, the family goes into panic mode when he gets sick."

"Well what's wrong with him?" I ask worriedly.

"I think he has bronchitis" Riley replies and suddenly I'm having trouble breathing.

Bronchitis was a lung condition. If he had weak lungs then...

No this wasn't happening. I wasn't going to lose him before I even got a chance to have him.

"Well what are we gonna do?" Cory asks the group, bringing me back to reality as I impatiently wait for the response.

"We're going back to the hospital. We thought we could bring Riley and Auggie if that's okay?" Amy suggests and the Matthews nod in agreement.

Of course I'm not invited. Amy and Alan have no idea what's been going on between me and Josh. The only people that knew just how deeply our feelings ran were our friends.

Riley shoots me a sympathetic smile and squeezes my arm before following her grandparents out the door. I stare at the closed door without making a single movement...I don't think I've moved since I walked in.

"Maya honey, are you okay?" Topanga asks sweetly as she walks over to me.

"Would it be okay if I called Josh?" I ask abruptly. "I won't bother him. I just want to hear his voice. Know he's okay. Please." I beg earning a sympathetic look from Topanga.

"Okay" she agrees unsure of her decision as she reluctantly hands me her phone. As I grab it, I decide to leave out the fact that I had his number in my own phone. I walk into Riley's room shutting the door and walking over to the bay window as I dial his number. He picks up on the third ring.

"Pangers. I told you I'm fine" he laughs causing him to cough and my heart lurches.

"Josh" I say quietly.

"Maya" he asks in surprise. "Why do you have Topanga's phone?"

"I wanted to talk to you. I heard you're in the hospital."

"They shouldn't have told you" he sighs.

"Why?" I demand. "Josh why didn't you tell me? We text all the time" I cry in frustration.

"Because Maya, you can't worry about me" he sighs. "It's not fair. You're supposed to live your life, I'm supposed to live mine-."

"Yea Josh. Live. What if you don't?" I shout as tears fall down my face. I couldn't imagine not having Josh in my life. Losing him would kill me.

"Maya. I'm gonna be fine. I promise."

"I don't do promises Josh" I argue. Promises meant nothing to me. My dad promised my mom forever and look where that got us.

"Maya" he interjects. "I'm not ready to give up yet. I have way too much to look forward to." Those words send my heart into a frenzy and a small smile tugs at my lips.

"Someday?" I question softly.

"Someday" he confirms. "I'm not going anywhere Maya. I'm in it for the long game."

A deep sigh tumbles from my lips. "I just-I really like you Josh" I admit defeatedly. "I can't lose you."

"I like you too gorgeous" he replies sweetly. "Now stop crying because I'm going to be fine and you and I are going to get our someday" he insists. My smile widens and I nod in concession.

"Okay" I agree. "But as soon as you're better you have to come see me" I add with a smirk.

"Of course. And if I'm not mistaken we're in the middle of our six weeks" he adds causing a blush to rise on my cheeks.

"Hold hands" I ask playfully.

"As soon as I'm discharged" he replies confidently as voices begin to crack through his side of the call. "I gotta go my parents just got here. I'll see you soon gorgeous."

"See you soon Boing."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now