All I Need is You

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💗 Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Birthday to Joshua Gabriel Matthews 💗

~ ❤❣❤ ~

Josh's POV

"I'm so glad that you agreed to come home with me for my birthday" I breathe out, reaching forward to tuck a strand of hair behind Maya's ear.

"Me too" she hums, her eyes fluttering shut as I trail my hand down her neck. I smile, replacing my fingers with my lips.

I feather kisses down her skin, sucking on her neck before leaving a trail of kisses along her collarbone. "Josh" she sighs, rolling her head back to allow me more access.

"I love you so much" I murmur as my hands skim the waistband of her-.

Abruptly the door opens and my mother comes walking in with not so much as a knock. "Hey. I thought your dad and I heard you-." My mom cuts herself off as her eyes big out of her head at the sight in front of her.

"Shit" I mutter, removing my hands from my girlfriend and bowing my head to avoid my mom's gaze.

"Oh my god" my mom exclaims, backing away and closing the door.

"Was that your mom?" Maya asks, clenching her eyes shut, seemingly hoping that this is all a terrible dream.

"Uh huh."

"Oh my god" she groans. "The last time I saw her was when I was a freshman in high school. We only had innocent crushes on each other."

"We certainly weren't having sex back then."

"Definitely not" she laughs, burying her head in my chest. "Your mom is gonna hate me."

"It takes two to tango babe. She can't blame you. Besides I was the one touching you."

"Ugh" she groans.

I chuckle, hugging her against me.

This certainly wasn't how I was expecting to spend my birthday.

~ ❤❣❤ ~

"Hey mom" I say awkwardly as I walk downstairs alone. Maya was still in the shower and I thought it would be best to talk to my mom alone first.

"Why didn't you mention that you were bringing a girl home?"

"Because she almost wasn't coming. She got out of her class last minute and she's not just a girl. She's my girlfriend and she's Maya."

My mom purses her lips and nods as she takes all the facts into her head. "I should have knocked and I'm sorry" my mom says, taking me by surprise.

"Wait what?"

"I don't like that you were doing that in my house but I can't stop you. You're twenty-two years old today" she adds, a smile pulling at her lips. "Twenty-two" she repeats dazedly. "It seems like just yesterday you were a baby."

"Aw mom. Don't go getting all sappy on me" I tease as I pull her in for a hug.

"Happy birthday sweetheart."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now