Love Drunk

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Maya's POV

"Ow" I complain as my eyes flutter open, my head pounding in protest as the light streaming in through the open blinds fight with my hangover. I sit up, placing my hand on my head put my hand is pinned underneath something, better yet, someone. "Holy shit" I exclaim as I realize that none other than Joshua Matthews is lying next to me.

"Why are you screaming?" Josh mumbles as his eyes open but I can tell he hadn't processed the situation until now as his eyes widen in shock. "Holy shit. Maya why the fuck are you in my bed?" he shouts making me laugh as I hand him a picture from the nightstand.

"Boing this is my room" I inform him, trying to ignore the fact that I was definitely lying naked in bed next to the boy I've been in love with since I was fourteen years old. Of course we had our someday but Josh also had a girlfriend, so even though I was eighteen we were still apart.

"How much did we drink last night?" he asks as I shrug, running my fingers through my hair.

"Enough to fool around I guess" I sigh as I tighten the blankets around my body.

"Shit Stella" Josh sighs as he rubs his neck. "I gotta go" he says quickly as he jumps out of my bed, throwing his clothes back on and rushing out of my room without so much as a goodbye.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too" I mumble as I watch the door slam shut behind him.


I always thought I'd be happy when I finally managed to hook up with Josh but all I felt today was broken. Sure I'd gotten to third in the past with other boys but I had a feeling things with Josh went further which means not only did I have sex and not remember it but I lost my virginity to the boy I was in love with and had no memory of it whatsoever.

"Do you want to come to the movies with me and Lucas?" Riley asks curiously as we talk on the phone later that day.

"No. I think I'll be spending this holiday in my room with a box of chocolate and Netflix" I reply honestly as I hear a knock on my door. "I gotta go Riles. Talk to you later" I add as I hang up the phone, opening the door to find Stella.

"You little whore" she spits as her eyes land on me. "You know I knew you wanted to fuck my boyfriend but I what I didn't realize is how much he apparently wanted the same thing. Congrats, he's all yours" she adds angrily as she storms off dramatically. What an amazing Valentine's Day I was having. I try to close my door but suddenly someone's foot catches it.

"We need to talk" Josh says matter of factly as he pushes my door open.

"Talk about what? I don't remember anything" I sigh as he closes the door behind him.

"Well I do" he replies honestly. "I lied this morning when I realized you didn't remember. I knew you were a virgin and I didn't really want to admit that I kinda took your virginity while we were drunk off our asses" he admits as he rubs his neck. "I'm so sorry Maya."

"Sorry about what? That you cheated on Stella? That you slept with me?"

"The first one definitely but the second one is complicated. I don't regret it happening I just wish we would've been sober" he admits.

"So do I" I admit as I take a step closer to him. "Did you break things off with Stella?" I ask as a smile pulls at my lips.

"I'd been planning on doing it after Valentine's Day" he explains, "I didn't want to ditch her but that kinda backfired" he adds with a laugh.

"Then maybe we should have a do-over" I smirk as I close the distance between us. "Because I really want to remember."

"I'd be happy to refresh your memory but first I want to make something official" he adds with a smile. "Be my girlfriend Maya" he says it as a request but I know I can say no but as I stare into his sparkling blue eyes I know there's only one answer.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend Josh" I smile as I lean in to kiss him. "Now please refresh my memory" I add with a smirk as he picks me up and places me on the bed, both of us getting lost in the memory of last night and the start of something new.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now