Thunderstorms ✅

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Maya's POV 

I hate thunderstorms. I always have and I probably always will. They're too loud and bright and for some reason they only happen at night while I'm trying to sleep. And to make matters worse it's a Saturday night and I'm sleeping over at Riley's.

Usually during thunderstorms I went to my mom's room and slept with her but tonight I was alone. Of course I had Riley but she was a heavy sleeper and I knew there was no way I'd get her woken up.

Another streak of lightning flashes across the sky and I shut my eyes quickly. As I open them again I hear movement in the hallway and I know immediately who is is. Josh. He was staying in New York for the summer for a summer studies program at NYU.

I climb out of bed and open the door shutting it behind me quickly as my eyes land on Josh and his girlfriend Callie. 

I try to avoid watching their goodbye but Josh catches my eye as I run into the bathroom. A few minutes pass before I hear a knock on the door. I open it reluctantly and come face to face with him. 

"What?" I ask in annoyance. The last thing I wanted to do right now was talk to him. I was exhausted and emotionally wrecked.

"Why are you up?" he asks sounding both annoyed and concerned since I did indeed ruin his moment with Callie.

"The storm" I reply snippily.

"You're afraid of thunderstorms?" he asks but I ignore his question and try to move past him. 

"Why do you care?" I ask coldly. Josh and I had made our someday promise almost three years ago. I was a senior now and Josh was a junior in college. We had done what we said we were going to do. I lived my life, he lived his. Little did I know he'd meet his soulmate in the meantime. Callie wasn't just his girlfriend, she was his fiancée. 

"Maya don't be like that" Josh groans, blocking th doorway with his arm to keep me from leaving.

"I'm not doing this with you Josh. Let me out" I exclaim and he does, allowing me to leave the bathroom but suddenly he grabs my wrist pulling me into his room. "Just leave me alone Matthews" I yell while trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"No. Maya we need to talk" he insists as he turns the lock in his door.

"We need to talk! We didn't need to talk when you put a diamond ring on another girl's finger" I exclaim not caring who I woke up at this point.

"Maya you don't know the whole story" he insists trying to quiet me. 

"I don't need it.  I have the story. You promised someday and then you took it away. If I would've been older at that damn ski lodge that ring would be mine" I argue as tears start running down my face. "You hurt me Josh. Why the hell would you promise me someday only to give it to someone else?" I ask desperately. It was the question that had been running through my head since his engagement was announced.

"Maya" Josh sighs, walking closer to me. "I didn't want to" he explains, catching my attention. "But I had to" he adds wiping away my tears. "She's pregnant" he whispers. My jaw drops open and my eyes widen in shock as I'm left at a loss for words. 

"Oh my god" I gasp taking a step back from Josh. "N-no. She can't be" I insist unwilling to believe that Josh, my Josh, was having a baby with someone who wasn't me. 

"She can be" he admits and my heart breaks. I knew Josh wasn't waiting for me but the confirmation hits me like a slap in the face.

"Well I hope your happy" I snip, trying to leave but Josh catches my wrist and pulls me into his embrace.

"I didn't want to hurt you" he insists with tears running down his face. 

"Then why did you sleep with her?" I ask crying as well. 

"I was drunk" he confesses and I shake my head. 

"You're an idiot" I chuckle with annoyance.

"I know. But I never intended to be anyone else's besides yours" he reveals. "Remember your birthday?" he asks and I nod. "Do you remember me texting you all week telling you I had a surprise?" I nod again.

"I never got it" I remind him sadly. The only present I got from him on my birthday was heartbreak.

"Because I invited Callie out to break up with her, but instead she dropped the baby bomb on me" he starts before taking a deep breath and continuing. "I wanted to give you this" he says opening his nightstand and pulling out a ring box. He opens it slowly and when I see what's inside I start to cry harder.

"A promise ring?" I ask with tears running down my face and he nods slowly. 

"I love you Maya" he murmurs and my heart swells as I look up at him.

"You can't love me" I cry. "You can't. You have to be there for the baby."

"I know. But I had to tell you. You had to know Maya. I love you so much" he says as he closes the distance between us. 

"Josh, I love you too" I admit as I reach out to hold his face gently in my hands. "But we can't do this" I argue with tears running down my face. Everything I wanted was so close yet so far away.

"Just one kiss Maya. Please" he begs and my heart shatters, every last shard broken, and I knew no one would ever fix it. 

"One" I insist and suddenly his lips are on mine. I taste his tears as his lips move quickly over mine. I wrap my arms around his neck letting him deepen the kiss.

I couldn't believe this. Josh and I were in love with each other and we were going to end up without one another. "Josh" I murmur as I pull away trying to catch my breath. "We have to stop" I insist, still unable to stop my tears. 

"I don't want to" Josh disagrees pulling my lips back to his quickly and I give myself over to him for a few seconds before pushing him away again. 

"I gotta go" I tell him as I stand up and head towards the door, grabbing the doorknob. "Goodbye Josh."

"Goodbye Maya."

As I walk out of the room with tears still running down my face I realize once again why I hate thunderstorms. They're too loud and bright and for some reason they only happen at night while I'm trying to sleep. And now, they would only remind me of the night I lost the love of my life.    

~ ☇🌌☇ ~

A/N: This one shot is now a full length story!!!! It's called Thunderstorms and it's already completed and the sequel is currently in if you liked this one shot check it out!!!

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now