Thank You

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Maya's POV

BABE: Miss you!!!!! When is your class over?!?!

I smile as I read the text from my boyfriend in the middle of my English class. It was my least favorite class this semester, it was the longest and quite frankly the professor freaked me out.

MAYA: Not soon enough!!! Miss you too baby!!!

"Miss Hunter" Ryan, my professor, shouts up at me, catching my attention.

"Hm?" I murmur as I look up from my phone to meet his gaze.

"After class" he says bluntly making me sigh as I glance back down at my phone.

MAYA: Got caught 😕 Gonna be later than usual

I send the text as the class is dismissed. Everyone around me files out of the room until I'm the only one left. I tuck my phone in my back pocket before decending the small staircase and heading over to his desk.

"Is my class that boring Ms. Hunter?" Ryan asks as he moves in front of his desk leaning against it.

"Honestly?" I ask, running my hand through my hair, "yes" I laugh lightly.

"I admire your honesty" he replies with a chuckle. "Do you have any suggestions as to how I can improve my methods?"

"Um, teach a more enthralling subject" I shrug as he laughs, shaking his head in amusement.

"You're quite funny Ms. Hunter" he smiles, taking a step towards me, "as well as gorgeous" he adds and suddenly my blood runs cold.

There was only one person in the world who I allowed to call me gorgeous and he was my boyfriend, not my professor.

"Um thank you" I reply as I step backwards from him. "Look I know you're my professor" I start but he takes another step towards me.

"Only for a few weeks" he says nonchalantly, "then we're just two adults" he adds, his voice dropping an octave as he continues towards me.

"Right" I reply shakily, "but you're my professor in this moment so if you don't have a consequence in mind for my texting, I really need to go" I add as I try to get past him but he grabs my wrist and pulls me against him.

"I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable" he apologizes as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "I just want you to know how special you are."

"I have someone for that" I say seriously as I try to break away from him.

"I'm sure I can give him a run for his money" he mutters.

"I'm sure I can kick your ass if you don't let go of my girlfriend" Josh says as he rushes into the classroom making Ryan release my arm.

"This isn't what it looks like" Ryan insists, "your girlfriend was having a bad day and I was comforting her."

"First of all" Josh says as he pulls me against him, suddenly making a wave of calm rush over me. "I know that's a lie because I was texting her and secondly I don't care if she was having a bad day. You don't touch a student."

"Perhaps you should mind your own buisness" Ryan snips as Josh chuckles.

"Maya is my business" Josh replies boldly, "and I know you made her uncomfortable and I have a problem with that."

"And who's gonna believe you?" Ryan asks seriously. "I'm the professor and she's the student. No one will ever believe that I came onto her."

"You underestimate her. Too many people do that. You'll regret it" Josh says seriously as he takes my hand and pulls me out of the classroom, dragging me down the hall.

"Josh" I exclaim as I yank his hand and pull him to a halt.

"What?" he asks breathlessly as he looks down at me.

"Slow down babe."

"If I do that I'll go back there and kill that guy for touching you" he says bluntly.

"He's not worth it" I insist, shaking my head. "Thanks for what you said back there."

"What?" he asks confused as he steps closer to me.

"The stuff you said about people underestimating me" I shrug as his eyes narrow, his hands moving down my arms slowly.

"Never thank me for sticking up for you" he says seriously, his blue eyes piercing mine. "I love you and for the rest of our lives I'm going to be there to stick up for you."

"Okay" I reply, opting out of the new banned phrase. "One more thing though."

"Hm?" he asks as we fall back into step together.

"How did you know?"

"What? That some creep was making a move on you?" he asks as he drapes his arm across my shoulders. "It's a Joshaya thing" he shrugs making me chuckle. "Don't question it."

"Mkay" I reply happily. "I love you too by the way" I add as I look up at him.

"Thanks" he says making me chuckle.

"Don't say thank you in response to I love you."

"Maybe we should just ban the phrase completely."

"That could make for some awkward dinner parties" I reply making him laugh.

"The most we can afford is Ramen noodles, when are we ever going to throw a dinner party?"

"Touchè" I smile. "You win."

"Thank you" he smirks making me roll my eyes playfully as we continue our game the rest of the walk home.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now