Those Other Guys

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*Inspired By: Can't Take Her Anywhere by Dylan Scott*


Josh's POV

It's not hard to notice the looks my girlfriend gets from the guys in the bar. From the moment we walk in all the guys direct their gaze to Maya. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame them in the slightest. My girlfriend was drop dead gorgeous and in her tight jeans, white v-neck, and black boots. She was every guy's fantasy but she was my reality.

"Wanna dance?" she asks, turning to face me with a smile on her lips.

"With you? Do you even have to ask?" I smirk as I grab her hand and pull her against me. I wrap my arms around her waist, allowing my hands to rest just above her ass as she begins to move to the music. I notice a guy standing near a perky brunette that has his eyes glued to my girlfriend and I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Maya asks as she spins around in my arms and wraps her arms around my neck while steadily moving her hips to the music.

"Your fan club" I motion my head making her turn her head to the guy watching her.

"Oh" she blushes as she takes an unconcious step towards me. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her even closer.

"You know I can't really blame them. I'd be jealous if I saw you walk in here with some other guy" I admit making her roll her eyes.

"Because you love me not because I'm hot" she argues. I shrug making her eyes widen as she slaps my arm. "Hey" she giggles.

"Kidding. Kinda" I smile making her laugh as a wide smile pulls at her lips. "Want a drink?"

"Yes please" she replies. I move my hands from her backside and she unwraps hers from my neck before we intertwine our hands and walk over to the bar.

"Vodka cranberry and a rum and coke please" I order, sliding my credit card across the bar. I look over to Maya after I order and see a guy hitting on her.

"You're too sexy to be standing here alone" he says making me roll my eyes as Maya throws her head back laughing.

"You know what?" she smirks. "I think you're right" she adds as she turns to face me. She crashes her lips onto mine and I immediately fall into the kiss, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer. She smiles against my lips before pulling back. I look over to where the guy was standing seconds ago but he's disappeared making me chuckle as I pull my girlfriend onto my lap.

We get our drinks and sit at the bar talking, laughing, and singing along to the jukebox for the next few hours before we both decide it's time to head home.

When we walk into the house I shut the door behind us before reaching out for my girlfriend and pulling her body against mine. I press my lips to hers in a long, passionate kiss that leaves us breathless and stumbling back into our bedroom.


"Does it ever bother you?" Maya asks as we're lying in bed together in the early hours of the morning. I look down at her and furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Does what bother me?" I ask as I trace lines over the small of her back. Goosebumps rise on her bare skin and I smile.

"Guys hitting on me when we go out. You seem to be so relaxed about it when we're out but does it really not bother you at all?" she asks, looking up at me from her spot on my chest.

"Not really" I shrug. "I know you're sexy. Guys don't have boundaries so even when they see you with me they still have somehow convinced themselves that they can get you into bed no matter what obstacles they have to face."

"And that doesn't bug you?" she asks confused making me chuckle.

"As long as at the end of the night you're in my bed and in my arms they can look all they want."

"There is nowhere else I wanna be" she says softly as she leans back up to kiss me.

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