Hands Off

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Maya's POV

Going to a frat party on Valentine's Day wasn't exactly high on the list of things I wanted to do but it was Josh's birthday and he wanted to go so, here I was.

Countless guys keep coming up to me throughout the evening since I've long since lost Josh, asking me various questions ranging from a simple dance to an invitation to their bedrooms. I've turned them all down though. Josh's bed was the only one that held any interest to me.

It had been a mere couple of weeks since we started hooking up; no one knew and I wasn't sure it would even amount to anything but it was fun for the time being.

I take another sip of my beer, the same one I'd been working on all night and leave the wall I'd been leaning against to travel further into the party.

The backyard was entertaining the stoners, the kitchen was full of people refilling drinks and making out on every surface imaginable and the upstairs...I certainly didn't want to step foot up there.

Maybe the front yard? That's an option with it's merits but unfortunately as I step towards the door that's when I hear his voice.

"I don't need any help." I turn around and sure enough, Drew is attempting to help Josh keep upright. "Get off me." He pushes him away and immediately I'm setting my drink down and rushing towards him.

"Okay. What the hell is going on?" I ask, glaring at Drew. He was supposed to be making sure he stayed somewhat sober. He had breakfast with his parents tomorrow!

"Maya. Uh hey" Drew says, scratching his neck as he looks between me and Josh wearily. "I'm really sorry."

I put my hand up to stop him from talking. Any further explanation and I may actually lose it. "Drew. Shut it." I look back at Josh. "Hey." I place my hands on his cheeks, not caring what Drew or anyone else may be thinking right now. He was drunk and I needed to get him out of here. "I think you've had enough for one night, yea?"

"But it's my birthday." I refrain from smiling because he has a point but I'm supposed to be mad at him.

"I know. But it's time to go home birthday boy." I shoot Drew one last glare before moving beside Josh and putting my arm beneath his in order to help him out of the frat.

Luckily, the dorms are a short three minute walk...or more like, fifteen with the constant stops my drunken companion keeps making. But eventually we make it there and I lead him to his dorm. I have the route memorized by now. "Alright Josh."

I leave him against the wall and dig into his jeans' pocket, searching for his keys but his hand flies out to stop me. "Don't" he insists and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Josh. I need your keys to open the door." He doesn't fight me after that and after a second more, I fish the keys out of his pocket and unlock the door. "Alright babe, inside."

I help him in the room or rather he stumbles in front of me but I'm quick to make sure he doesn't fall after I've gotten the door shut behind us. "Seriously, why did you need to get so drunk?" I complain, helping him towards his bed.

I pull back the blankets and usher him towards the mattress which he happily falls into, causing a smile to tug at my lips. He always looked peaceful while he slept and his drunken self was no different as his eyes drifted shut. "Alright" I breathe out, repeating the word again. "Get some rest" I insist, pulling up the covers but he swats my hand away again. "Josh." I groan, getting frustrated before his words cut through me.

"I have a girlfriend. Don't touch me!" My eyes widen and I find myself stumbling back because....he can't mean me. Right? How drunk is he?

I decide to leave him alone then, opting for the futon despite the many nights I've spent in his bed and drift off to sleep.

~ 🤚 ~

"Shit. My head." My eyes flutter open to find Josh crawling out of bed the next morning.

"Someone's hungover" I mumble, catching his attention.

He furrows his eyebrows. "What happened last night?"

"Aside from you getting wasted" I begin, sitting up as a yawn tumbles from my lips. "Well," I look him in the eyes intently which is hard considering how squinted his are, attempting to adjust to the light. "You sorta told me not to touch you because you had a girlfriend."

His eyes pop open, wide awake finally. "I-I what?"

"I mean, I get it" I begin, standing up and running my hands through my hair. "We never talked about being exclusive. I'm happy you've found someone-."

"Maya." I look to find Josh standing and walking towards me. "If I said anything like that....I was talking about you."

My heart stops, my head convincing myself that I heard him wrong. "What?"

He laughs, taking another step towards me. "I may not have made the connection that you were you in my drunken state but I know how I feel about you."

"You do?" I ask softly, my words catching in my throat.

"Of course. I like you."

"I like you too Josh" I murmur, closing the distance between us and pressing my lips to his only for his phone to ring and interrupt our moment.

He groans, letting me go and reaching for his phone. "Oh shit."

"What?" I ask worriedly as his eyes meet mine.

"I was supposed to have breakfast with my family" he reminds me and while I know it's not the best solution, the only thing I can think to suggest is changing the plans...and get myself a bit more alone time with him.

"Wanna change it to dinner?" I ask, stepping back towards him. His lips quirk into a grin as his fingers fly across the keyboard.

"Already working on it. And I'm letting them know that my girlfriend will be joining us."

Girlfriend. I could certainly get used to that.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now