Dreaming Without You

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Josh's POV

"Another round?" Andrew asks, looking around the table for approval. I shrug. It wasn't like I had anywhere to be so I certainly didn't care. Derek nods and Aaron's already flagging a waitress down in response and I chuckle, downing the shot that was already set in front of me.

It was a normal Friday night, all of us guys hanging out at the local club after a long, pointless week of never-ending classes. It was how we let loose and I wasn't looking to slow down anytime soon considering the fact that the room was still right side up. I never left the club less than shit-faced and tonight would be no different.

"Here you go boys" the waitress announces. I look up and find a brunette woman standing in front of us wearing the basic uniform of the establishment which consisted of a low-cut, skin-tight dress. I drink in her figure, swallowing harshly when I notice her chest spilling out of the tight fabric. She'd probably be fun for a night.

"Thank you" I reply politely. Women ate that shit up. She smiles just as I knew she would and I already know without a doubt that she'll be waking up in my bed tomorrow morning. I smirk, throwing back my newly acquired shot and reach my hand out to her. "I'm Josh."

"I'm Sapphire. I get off work in fifteen minutes. Wanna get out of here and have a real party back at my place?"

Without hesitation I nod my head, counting down the minutes until she gets off work. In the meantime, I slow myself down with drinks, opting for a beer rather than the countless rounds of shots the guys continue to consume around me.

Finally, the clock strikes two in the morning and Sapphire walks off the floor. I stand up, getting ready to leave when I notice a blonde standing by the exit with her hands over her chest. "Josh. What's going on?" she asks demandingly and somehow I can hear her all the way across the club despite how quiet her voice sounds and how loud the club is around us. "Josh. Hello?"

My eyes pop open and I'm left staring at the same blonde woman only now she's hovering above me with worry written across her face. "Jesus" she murmurs, pulling away from me. "Could you toss and turn a little bit more?" she asks, her melodious laughter ringing in my ears. "I'm trying to sleep, you know."

I'm in a daze as I stare at her. What kind of dream was that? Or more accurately, what kind of nightmare was that? Maya adjusts her pillows allowing me a glimpse at the diamond ring sparkling on her finger and I release a deep breath. "I had a nightmare."

"Hm?" she hums, looking up at me. "What happened?"

"W-we weren't together. I was at this club, you know, the one I was supposed to go with Drew to that first night that you surprised me by showing up at my dorm for my birthday."

"The year everyone was too busy to come see you?"

"Yea" I sigh, sitting up and running my fingers through my hair. "I was drinking...a lot and there was some girl that I had agreed to go home with-."

"Was she hot?" I glare at my fiancée and she giggles, reaching out to place her hand over mine. "Calm down baby. It was just a nightmare. This is real life. Me and you. Together."

"But what if you hadn't shown up that weekend? What if we had never gotten together?"

"Then apparently you'd be an alcoholic that slept with anything with legs" she replies. "But again, it was just a nightmare and we are together. Forever. Remember?" she asks, wiggling her ring finger in front of my face. I smile, reaching down to peck her lips.

"I love you."

"I know you do and I love you too. Now, let's get back to sleep. I need my beauty rest."

I roll my eyes, snuggling back into bed and wrapping my arms around her waist. "You need no such thing but I am tired" I whisper, kissing her neck. "Goodnight Maya."

"Goodnight Josh" she yawns before we both drift back off to sleep and this time there are no nightmares. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now