Christmas Music Conflict

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Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

If there was one thing I hated about living in an apartment complex it was the paper thin walls that allowed me to hear everything happening in the apartment next door. I had met my neighbor a few times in passing, he was a bit older than me with brunette hair and blue eyes and he towered over me in terms of height. He was pretty popular around the building, sleeping his way through the entire female population which usually kept me up half the night since his bedroom shared a wall with mine. 

I'm sitting on my bed working on a sketch for my art fundamentals class when Christmas music starts seeping into my room through the wall and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. It was the night before Thanksgiving so there was no reason for the music to be playing let alone having it blasting through his apartment. I groan, pushing my sketchbook off my lap and hopping off my bed. I'd had just about enough of his shit. 

I stalk towards my front door, yanking it open and walking next door. I knock loudly on his door, standing impatiently on the other side as I wait for him to answer. Finally after about three minutes of knocking he opens his door. "Oh, hey neighbor" he smiles. My mouth goes dry at the sight in front of me. The man was wearing a pair of black plaid boxers and nothing else. He had defined abs that my eyes followed all the way down to the happy trail leading into his boxers. 

"H-hi" I stutter. Seeing him half-naked I sorta understood why the entire building wanted a turn with him. 

He chuckles. "Hi Maya" he says, leaning against his doorframe. "Is something bothering you?" he asks expectantly. 

I come back down to Earth and clear my throat, nodding my head. "In fact there is" I confirm. "You're playing Christmas music."

He furrows his eyebrows. "My Christmas music offends you?" he questions confusedly. "Is there a reason?"

I roll my eyes. "It's November."

"Uh huh" he replies, crossing his arms over his chest. His biceps flex and I almost melt into a puddle at his feet. "November, not April" he chuckles. "It's socially acceptable to be listening to Christmas music."

"No it isn't. Not until after tomorrow and besides it's a little loud."

"You've never complained of me being loud before" he says, a smirk on his lips. "I thought maybe you enjoyed listening to what I do behind our wall."

My eyes widen. "Um no" I exclaim. "That is disgusting." He laughs. 

"Maya, I don't sleep with all of them" he assures me. "A lot of them just want a turn with me and who am I do turn them down?"

"A decent human being and a considerate neighbor" I reply. His lips quirk into an amused grin. 

"I'm not too worried about the decent human being thing. I donate to charities, I volunteer at the local hospital" he lists, "I just happen to enjoy sex" he adds. I swallow harshly. "And as for the considerate neighbor thing" he says, stepping towards me, "perhaps I could make it up to you somehow" he murmurs. My heart is hammering in my chest at this point.  I know what he's suggesting and for some reason I'm finding it hard to tell him no. 

"I'm not another one of your conquests. I'm not looking to be another name on your list" I reply weakly. He smiles. 

"Baby you aren't capable of being just another conquest."

"I am not your baby" I protest. He chuckles, grabbing my hips and pulling me against him. My breath hitches in my throat. 

"Not yet" he concedes before crashing his lips onto mine. I moan into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck as he pulls me into his apartment. Our kiss deepens as we stumble back into his bedroom and Christmas music still spills out of the speaker beside his bed. It seems wrong to keep it on but we're both too wrapped up in one another to shut it off. 

Clothes are thrown around the room and we fall back onto his bed, his lips roaming my body as my hands roam his. He reaches into his nightstand, grabbing a condom and I take a moment to focus on the music. "Josh" I insist, pushing back on his chest. "Can we please shut this music off. I really don't feel comfortable having sex to Santa Claus is Coming to Town." He laughs, switching the radio to some pop station and I relax. 

"Better?" he asks, rolling the condom on. I nod. 

"Much" I confirm, reaching back up to kiss him as we connect. He certainly knows what he's doing and I try to keep the number of women he's been with out of my mind as he brings me towards my breaking point. My back arches and I scream out his name as I finish, clutching at his back. He follows after me, breathing heavily above me. 

"I should've started playing Christmas music a long time ago" he breathes out making me chuckle. "I have a confession to make" he adds. I quirk an eyebrow at him. "The rumors around here are just that, rumors. I had a serious girlfriend for a little over a year and that's who you heard most nights. I had a one night stand the night after we broke up with a girl down the hall and when people found out they started lying, saying that she wasn't the only one and I guess I became the guy who sleeps with the entire building. I didn't mind because I didn't want a relationship anyway but-."

"But what?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair. 

"But then I started noticing how you were always so unfazed by it all and I just-. I liked that you didn't seem to care."

"I didn't care" I shrug. "Your sex life wasn't my business."

He smirks, caressing my cheek. "Wasn't? As in past tense?"

A blush rises on my cheeks. "I mean, I wouldn't mind if this became a thing" I confess, "but I understand if you aren't ready-."

"I'm ready" he argues. "I want this to be something, so, so badly."

I smile, reaching up to peck his lips. "Then I'm yours. On one condition."


I smirk. "No Christmas music before Thanksgiving. Ever. Again."

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