Bad Timing

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Maya's POV

I'm standing in front of the mirror in a simple black dress trying to stir up any other kind of emotion other than annoyance. I understood that Kermit had passed away and I guess I should be upset but I just couldn't bring myself to feel sad. He left, he didn't love me and yet here I am in a beautiful dress waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up for the funeral.

"You look beautiful kiddo" Shawn compliments as he leans against my doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Thanks dad" I reply softly.

"You sure you're gonna be okay today? I know it kinda sucks that Riles can't take you" he says. I nod in agreement but I understood why Riley wasn't here. Riley was visiting Lucas' family in Texas this weekend, she had offered to fly back up to accompany me but I insisted that Josh could handle it.

"I'll be fine dad" I assure him as the doorbell rings. "That's probably Josh. I'll see you later" I smile as I kiss his cheek and brush past him, skipping down the steps. I throw open the door and come face to face with my boyfriend dressed in a pair of dress pants and a black button up.

"Hey gorgeous" he greets me. "You ready to go?"

"Mhm" I mutter in agreement as I grab my clutch from the entrance table. I take his hand and he leads me down the steps to his truck. He comes around and opens my door for me, helping me step up. I thank him politely as I hop up into my seat.

"You're welcome" he replies sweetly as he shuts my door and climbs in beside me. "How are you?" he asks worriedly as he starts up the truck and heads off, taking my hand in his.

"I'm okay" I shrug. "I don't really know how I'm supposed to feel in all honesty" I admit.

"I get that" he replies.

"I mean for years I've considered Shawn my dad. He was the one who wanted to be my dad. He's made my mom so happy and he's been so perfect" I trail off. "I just."

"It's okay" Josh says softly as he squeezes my hand. "You feel however you want to feel" he insists. "I'll be right here to hold your hand."

"Thanks for coming with me today."

"Of course. I am your boyfriend" he adds making my heart flutter with happiness as we pull up to the church. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be" I sigh as we climb out of the truck and head inside. Immediately I'm surrounded by a room of strangers. I scour the room for any familiar faces and my eyes land on my dad's wife Stella.

"Over here" I whisper as I lead Josh over to the petite brunette who had tear tracks stained onto her face. She had a toddler who I knew was my step-brother Alex clinging to her leg. "Hi Stella" I say softly as I walk up to her.

"Oh Maya" she exclaims as her eyes lock on mine. "Hi."

"Hey" I reply awkwardly. It wasn't that I hated the woman or anything but she was the woman who my dad left my mom for.

"It's good to see you" she smiles softly, "and" she trails off looking up at Josh confused.

"My boyfriend" I supply. "Where's Jemma?" I ask curiously as I look around for my oldest step-sibling. She was only about two years younger than me.

"Hey sis" Jemma says, sneaking up behind me.

"Jem" I smile as I turn around and pull her into my arms. Despite the fact that I was less than close with my birth dad, Jemma had reached out to me a few years ago and we had grown pretty close.

"Thanks for coming sis" she murmurs as she holds me. "And you brought a date. He's hot" she whispers making me chuckle as I pull back.

"Jemma this is my boyfriend Josh" I introduce. "Josh this is my stepsister Jemma."

"Nice to meet you" Josh smiles as his hand rests on the small of my back.

"You too" Jemma says sweetly. "I'm gonna go mingle. Come sit with us" she insists. I nod and she walks away leaving me alone with Josh.

"She seems nice" he shrugs.

"She is" I confirm as I look up at him. "She also thinks you're hot" I add making him laugh as he pulls me towards him.

"She's not my type" he assures me with a soft smile. "Plus I'm in love with her sister" he adds making my heart stop as I stare up at him wide eyed. "I have awful timing."

"What else is new?" I chuckle as I lean up to kiss him. "I love you too" I whisper before we're told to take our seats.


"Ready" I nod as I take his hand and follow him to the pew.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now