Rescuing the Gorgeous Blonde

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Josh's POV

"Anyone else want another beer?" I ask as I look around at my friends, Brenda, Andrew, and Gretchen. We were at a concert close to campus, enjoying our Friday night. We did this often and it was one of my favorite traditions.

"Nope we're good" Andrew assures me in a slurred voice making me chuckle as I head off to get another beer. I'm in line when I see a gorgeous blonde in the line next to me getting hit on. I roll my eyes, deciding to turn back to my own business.

"What can I get ya?" the bartender asks me curiously.

"Miller Lite please" I reply as my eyes helplessly flit back over to the blonde who is now arguing with the man. I realize that perhaps he's not as much of a stranger as I originally thought.

"Here you go" the bartender smiles as she leans across the bar, trying to show off which makes me roll my eyes in amusement.

"Thanks" I reply as I take my beer and start walking back to my seat. About two songs later I catch another glimpse of the blonde with her wrist caught in the viselike grip of the man she's with.

"You okay baby?" Gretchen, my friend with many, many benefits asks me curiously as she follows my line of gaze. "She looks pissed."

"I don't think she's getting along with that guy. I'll be back" I say quickly as I hand her my beer.

"Baby come on. Don't get involved. Let's finish the show and then head back to the dorms." I knew what she was getting at but I didn't care. For some reason I felt a pull to the blonde in peril.

"I'll be right back" I assure Gretchen before stalking off to the blonde. I reach her in seconds and now I can clearly hear them arguing.

"Is this guy bothering you?" I ask boldly. I don't know where the confidence comes from but I'm thankful for it.

"Yes" the blonde replies quickly.

"This guy" the man laughs. "I'm her boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend" she clarifies with a snarl as she snatches her hand from his grip.

"Why don't you leave her alone?" I ask calmly.

"Why don't you make me?" he replies angrily as he pushes me. Big mistake.

"Fine" I laugh as I punch him square in the jaw, making him hit the ground. The blonde laughs beside me.

"My hero" she smiles as she looks up at me. "I'm Maya."

"Josh" I reply as I hold out my hand for her to take. "You need a ride?"

"You're a stranger. You could be a murderer" she points out making me laugh as I nod.

"There is always that possibility but I'm honestly just here with some friends from NYU" I assure her as I motion to my friends who are too busy singing off key to even realize I've disappeared.

"They seem lovely" Maya laughs causing me to smile. She had a cute laugh, hell she was cute. Totally not my type but I think that was the draw.

"They're idiots" I laugh. "But they aren't controlling like your ex" I assure her with a smile. "You in college?"

"Yea, freshman. And the guy is Charlie, he's an off and on again guy from my high school days. I drunk dialed him a few weeks ago. Big mistake" she sighs as she runs her fingers through her hair.

"Seems like it" I reply honestly. "But really Maya if you need a ride my friends and I would be happy to help you out. Then after that we never have to see each other again."

"What if I wanna see you again?" she asks with a soft smile.

"That can be arranged" I reply as I hold out my hand for her to take. "Now come on so I can introduce you to the crazy."

She laughs as she takes my hand and as our hands meet it's like everything falls into place. I don't know how to describe it but I know that this was fate and I wasn't going to let her slip away.

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