Goodbye Kisses

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*Inspired by Love You Goodbye by One Direction*

~ 🎶🎵🎶 ~

"Oh why you wearing that to walk out of my life"

"I think that's everything" Maya says, brushing her hands on her jeans as she places her last box beside the door.

She looked stunning as always wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and a tank top that her black bralette was clearly visible beneath. She reaches up and brushes her hair back out of her eyes with a sigh. "If you uh find anything else-."

"I'll send it your way" I assure her. She nods and an awkward silence falls around us.

Neither of us wanted this but when Maya decided she wanted to travel the world and I wanted to stay in Philly to start a family we realized that we just didn't want the same things out of life so here we were...madly in love yet walking out of each other's lives.

"Yea okay" she replies, bringing her bottom lip between her teeth. "I should uh-."

"Maya" I cut her off, stepping towards her. "You don't have to go. We can make this work. We just-we have to find a way-."

"Josh we've tried" she replies in exasperation. "I'm exhausted Josh. I have to go" she insists, bending down to pick up her last box.

I nod, soundlessly following her out to her car and helping to make sure she's packed in. Once the final box settles into place like a well thought out game of Tetris she closes the trunk and the two of us stand there for what feels like an eternity.

"One more taste of your lips just to bring me back"

I know I should let her go now. I should wish her luck and turn away from her but I can't. I still have her right here in front of me and I want her.

I just want to feel her lips on mine one more time. To feel the way her body fits perfectly with mine and to know without a doubt that she loves me.

"Josh" she whispers but it's as much of a statement that I allow to pass through her lips before I lean down and press mine to hers.

She gasps, allowing me to deepen the kiss as I pull her closer. I'm terrified she may pull away but when she loops her arms around my neck and moves her lips with mine I grow confident and kiss her harder.

She moans and the sound travels south making me want nothing more than to drag her back into the house and show her how much I love her even if it's only for one last time.

"Even though its over you should stay tonight"

"Stay" I whisper as we pull apart. She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth and shakes her head.

"Josh I can't" she murmurs as tears fill her eyes.

"Please" I beg. "Just one last night Maya. I can't say goodbye to you...not yet" I add softly, caressing her cheek.

She lets out a deep, shaky breath as she stares up into my eyes. "I have to go tomorrow morning Josh. We can't keep putting this off."

"Okay" I agree reluctantly. All I could do was hope that tonight would be enough time for me to convince her to stay. I couldn't lose her.

"Let's get inside before the neighbors take pictures" she chuckles, tugging my hand and leading me back into the house.

"Because if this is it we can end it right"

Lying beside Maya while she sleeps is something I know I'll miss. The way her face smoothes out without a care to plague her in her dreams, the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathes in and out and the soft breaths that fall from her lips.

Maya is like my drug and without her I don't think I'll survive.

Tonight was amazing, an incredible way to end but I don't want it to be over. I want forever with her.

"Can't sleep?" she whispers without opening her eyes.

"Not a wink" I reply with a sigh. "Did you hear me thinking?"

She smiles, nodding her head. "Mhm" she hums. "You okay?" she asks, opening her eyes to look at me but I shake my head.

"No" I confess. "I'm a mess. This-this was incredible but-."

"It made things even harder" she guesses and I nod. "I feel it too" she agrees, taking my hand. "Josh I don't want to leave but I can't just be a housewife. I want to travel, I want to see art all over world-."

"Then marry me and we can see everything. We'll start in Spain on our honeymoon since you've always wanted to go and then we can go anywhere. We'll keep this place to come home to-."

"And kids?" she presses. I press my lips in a fine line. "Exactly" she sighs. "I don't know when I'll be ready for a family and you want one like yesterday" she chuckles sadly. "Baby our lives just don't match up."

"So this is it then?" I question as tears threaten to fall down my cheeks. She nods solemnly and my heart shatters.

"I'm sorry Josh" she whispers, blinking back tears. "I uh-I should go" she adds, sniffling her nose as she climbs out of bed.

I lie there motionless as she dresses, throwing her clothes back on before turning back towards me. "I'll always love you" she murmurs, kissing me softly before turning to walk out of my room and my life forever.

"Goodbye Maya" I whisper as I hear the front door close.

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