It's Just a House

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*Location: Austin, Texas*


Maya's POV

My parents go out of town all the time. With Shawn being a professional photographer it's no shocker that he travels a lot and since marrying my mom they spend a lot of time away. Usually this is fine. I'm eighteen and more than capable of taking care of myself for a few days. Usually.

Today I'm sitting in front of my television trying not to freak out as I watch the radar. Since I was a little kid my mom always prepared me for severe storms but I wasn't sure I was ready to face one all on my own. Riley was of course with Lucas at his farm, probably already in the storm cellar while I was the idiot staring at her television in the middle of her glass windowed living room. I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts. I know I shouldn't. It's not safe. I throw my phone back down and take a deep breath running my fingers through my blonde locks as a knock on the door sounds. I quickly stand up and rush over to the door. "Josh" I say in both shock and relief as I throw my arms around him.

"Hey" he breathes out as he holds me close. "I was worried about you. Are you okay?" he asks as he places his hands on my cheeks and stares into my eyes intently.

"Better now that you're here" I admit as the whirring of the tornado siren outside breaks us from our moment. "Josh" I cry as he takes my hand and shuts the door.

"Basement" he instructs as he yanks my hand and leads me down the steps. He shuts the door and pushes me down the stairs. "Fuck" he sighs as he looks around. "We need to get under something" he says as he looks around. There wasn't much. Loads of boxes and my dad's workbench but it wasn't high enough off the ground to climb under. "Dammit" he moans in annoyance. He rushes to the workbench and throws all the stuff on the bottom shelf to the floor. "Sit on the shelf" he instructs. The top of the bench would protect our heads. I do as he asks and climb up just before he does.

"Josh" I cry as he sits beside me. "I'm scared" I admit as he looks at me and grabs my hand, squeezing it tightly and kissing it.

"We're gonna be okay baby" he says calmly as he pulls me against him, putting my head in the crook of his neck. Just as fast as the words leave his mouth I hear the sound of glass shattering causing me to yelp as Josh holds me closer. "Shhh" he whispers as he kisses the top of my head. "Breathe baby it's okay" he insists with a shaky voice. The sound of the wind whipping above us makes me burrow further into Josh's chest to try to escape the noise but it's no use. Tears start to fall down my face as I cling to Josh. "Don't cry Maya" he whispers. "It's just a house."

That's when the wind comes to a stop. I remain in Josh's arms but after a minute or two he pulls out his phone and opens the weather app waiting for the tornado warning to be lifted for our area. The second it's lifted Josh unwraps himself from my arms and stands in front of me running his hand through his hair. "What?" I ask as I stare up at him, not moving.

"It's gonna be bad baby" he says seriously as I nod in understanding. He takes my hand and pulls me up. We walk hand in hand up the steps and Josh takes a deep breath before opening the door. My mouth hits the ground as I take in what used to be my house. The only structure still standing is the kitchen wall and the staircase leading upstairs. I look to my left and I can see into my neighbor's house, or what's left of it.

"Oh my god" I cry as my legs give out. Josh catches me and holds me against his chest.

"It's a house baby. We're okay. That's all that matters baby" he says softly as he strokes my hair. His phone rings and he answers immediately. I hear frantic voices on the line and I immediately place them as my parent's. I realize for the first time that I don't have my phone. I had thrown it onto the couch. I glance around trying to place the piece of furniture but it's no use. "Yes we're both fine. Yea I'm gonna take her back to my apartment tonight" he pauses. "Shawn I understand that. You want her to sleep outside or at my place?" he asks annoyed making me giggle. Leave it to my dad to worry about my virtue at a time like this. "See you tomorrow. Okay, bye" he says before hanging up and turning to face me. "Um it's gonna be a bit of a walk" he sighs as he looks around for his car.

"It's okay" I smile softly as I take his hand. "Let's go."


It's the longest walk of my life but the warm shower and the bed are worth it. It's almost midnight and Josh and I are lying in his bed, my head on his chest while his hand traces shapes onto my skin. "You okay?" he asks softly.

"Yea" I sigh. "It's just a house right?" I ask as I look up at him.

"Mhm" he nods as he holds me closer, kissing the top of my head. "I was so scared when I was driving over to you. I knew you were alone. I was so worried about you. I've never been so worried in my whole life Maya" he says softly making my heart flutter. "If something were to happen to you" he trails off but I shake my head as I prop myself up on my elbows to look at him.

"I'm right here" I remind him softly. "You can't get rid of me that easy" I add playfully making him chuckle as he leans down to peck my lips.

"It's been a long day. Let's get some sleep gorgeous."

"Okay" I give in, settling against his chest. "Goodnight Josh."

"Night Maya."

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