Sleepless in NYU

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Maya's POV

Sleeping in Josh's dorm had become a normal thing since I started at NYU. Most of the time I fall asleep without a problem, comforted by his arms around my waist but lately sleep evaded me everytime I slept over.

He adjusts his position, moving to lie on his back which breaks me free from his embrace so I take the opportunity to get up and go for a short walk down the hallway.

I move towards the vending machine and punch in the correct numbers that cause a bottle of water to fall. I fish it out and twist off the cap, taking a long sip before turning to head back to Josh's dorm.

I close the door behind myself and lock it before wandering back to the bed, placing my water on the nightstand before climbing back under the blankets and snuggling up against Josh's chest.

I let out a deep sigh as my fingers dance lightly over his bare chest. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy my sleepovers with Josh it was just that I was terrified of him leaving me when he found out just how deeply my feelings ran.

When someday ended and we decided to start dating I had never been happier but now I was deeply in love with him and scared that he didn't feel the same way.

I trace small shapes into his skin, occupying my mind and trying to fall asleep but sleep refuses to overcome me.

I let out a soft groan of annoyance as I rest my hand flat against his chest and close my eyes, attempting to force myself into sleep but it's no use.

I reopen my eyes and decide to get the words out. Maybe then I could sleep.

Slowly I trace the letter "I" into his skin, pausing and bringing my bottom lip between my teeth.

I continue, tracing the letters "L.O.V" I stop again, taking a deep breath before tracing the "E" into his skin.

I finish with a simple "U" and let out a breath of relief when suddenly Josh shifts in his sleep, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I love you too" he murmurs, kissing the top of my head making my eyes widen as I push off his chest and sit up to look at him.

"What?" I exclaim.

He chuckles, opening his eyes and looking up at me as a yawn tumbles from his lips. "You woke me up when you left" he explains.

My cheeks heat up and he smiles as he wraps his hand around mine that still rested on his chest. "How many nights have you been having trouble sleeping?" he asks concerned.

I shrug. "I uh I don't know. A few."

"Gorgeous you worry way too much" he insists. "Of course I love you. I think it's impossible not to love you" he adds seriously making my heart flutter. "Now come here and get some sleep" he adds.

I smile lying back down and resting my head on his chest. "Feel better?" he asks softly, kissing the top of my head.

"Much better" I admit. "I love you Josh."

"I love you too Maya" he murmurs and with that I finally fall asleep.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now