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*Inspired by: Flowers by Niki & Gabi*

Maya's POV

I'm woken up by the sound of my doorbell ringing and I groan as I look up and glance up at my clock. It had taken me hours to cry myself out last night and it seemed I had only slept for two hours. I force myself out of bed and make my way towards the front door, already knowing what's waiting for me on the other side.

I pull open the door and the postal delivery man smiles broadly back at me. "Another delivery Ms. Hunter" he announces. "Your man must really fancy you" he adds and I force a smile onto my face as I nod my head in agreement.

"Either that or he's making up for something" I reply jokingly despite the fact that there's nothing funny in the suggestion. Getting flowers from James was a weekly was his constant physical and emotional abuse.

The man laughs awkwardly before we exchange goodbyes and he walks off down the hall. I sigh as I shut the door and place the roses on the table. They were beautiful, no doubt about it but the appreciation and love that used to accompany these deliveries at the beginning of our relationship is now replaced by regret and dread as I think about what he could possibly do next.

~ 🌹💐🌹 ~

Josh's POV

I knock on Maya's door, bouncing back on my heels while I wait for her to open the door to let me in. Within seconds she appears and a smile tugs at my lips. Despite being dressed in yoga pants and a racerback tank top she's still the most gorgeous woman on the planet. "Morning" I greet her as I brush past her. "You ready to head out?" I ask. Maya was my gym buddy, we worked out together every morning and oddly enough I had grown addicted to the hour we spent together.

"Yea I just gotta grab my water bottle" she says as she turns and makes her way towards her kitchen. I nod in understanding as I glance out the corner of my eye and spot a bouquet of roses on the table.

I'd been friends with Maya long enough to know exactly what thoses roses meant and suddenly my anger flares inside me. I hated what James did to Maya and what's worse is that Maya refuses to let anyone help her.

"Alright I'm ready" she announces as she bounces back into the room but my excitement has been drained and left in it's place is anger.

"What'd he do?" I demand. She glances down at the table and shrugs her shoulders.

"It was my fault Josh. Don't worry about it" she insists but I shake my head as I take a step towards her.

"What did he do?" I press, enunciating each word clearly.

"I caught him texting another girl and he-he told me it was my fault. I don't pay enough attention to him, Josh. It is my fault!"

"Bullshit" I shout angrily. "That guy is an abusive asshole and he's lucky I haven't kicked his ass."


"Did he just yell?" I demand. She gets quiet and I clench my eyes shut to contain my anger. "What did he do?"

"Nothing" she replies quickly and that's when it hits me. I take in her attire and I realize she's not wearing a sports bra or shorts. My stomach churns as I step closer to her.

"Maya I swear if he touched you-."

"I'm fine" she insists but I shake my head as I reach out to caress her cheek. She flinches and my heart breaks.

"Maya you are not fine and this guy sending you roses does not excuse his behavior. You deserve a man who is going to cherish you and send you flowers because he loves you, not to keep you around."

"He loves me."

"No he doesn't" I argue, wiping at her cheeks. "Abuse is not love. What we have, that's love."

Her eyes flicker up to meet mine. "What did you just say?"

I smile. "You heard me."

"Yes but I'd like to hear it again" she replies giddily.

I chuckle, beaming back at her. "I love you Maya and I promise that you'll be safe with me. Always."

~ 🌹💐🌹 ~

2 Months Later...

Maya's POV

A knock on my door wakes me up the next morning and I chuckle as I pull back the blankets and make my way out to the living room. Flowers litter every surface, forming a sort of aisle as I make my way towards the door and pull it open. "Morning Miss Maya" the postal man says sweetly.

"Morning Hal" I reply brightly. "Another package for me?" I ask excitedly. He nods as he hands over a boquet of daises and my heart skips a beat.

"Secret admirer?" he inquires but I shake my head.

"Nope. Just a very expressive boyfriend" I reply happily. "Thanks Hal" I add before shutting the door and lifting the flowers to my nose to smell the fresh floral scent. A note wedged inside catches my attention and I can't help but smile as I read it.

Question: If you had allergies and couldn't have flowers what would you prefer? Chocolate or a stuffed animal? Return this note with your answer to me tonight at 6. I love you xx

~ Josh x

Two months and I still couldn't get over how much my life had changed. Flowers used to be an apology for unspeakable things when I was woth James but with Josh they had become a loving gesture that filled me with excitement and adoration.

I take the note and walk it into my bedroom, grabbing my scapbook and stuffing it inside for safe keeping beside all the rest. Note #42 I scribble on the back before shutting the book closed and going to get ready for my workout.

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