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I stare at my computer screen for far too long, speechless. Admittedly, I wasn't exactly upset about the break-up of the century but I knew that my best friend had to be devastated. She had gushed over and over again how in love she was with her high school sweetheart and I had sat and listened like the platonic best friend that I was to her all the while I died inside just a little bit more each time she opened her mouth.

I reach for my phone and dial her number, leaning back in my seat while I wait for her to pick up. It takes only two rings for her usual melodious voice to come through the phone...only tonight it was heavy with the evidence of shed tears. My heart breaks hearing how upset she was. "Hey" I murmur softly.

"Men suck" she cries and I sigh. If only she would just realize that not all men suck...some men, not to name any names, would literally do anything to make her happy. Hell, I bend over backwards on a daily basis just to make her smile. Not that I like her or anything.

"What happened?" I ask her, bracing myself for the answer. The break-up happened sort of out of nowhere so I couldn't imagine that the reason behind the split was amicable.

"He cheated" she admits. I shake my head. How any man could have Maya and then chose to leave her for someone else boggled my mind. The woman was everything a man could want; funny, brilliant, gorgeous with curves in all the right places and honestly the most caring and selfless person on the planet. She was the girl of my dreams.


"It's all my fault" she cries. "I-it was the distance. Everyone told me it would happen, that he would want the attention that I wasn't giving him anymore." I shake my head. Anyone in a happy, committed relationship could make distance. Trevor didn't want to make things work with Maya and now he's made her feel like she was unworthy of sticking around for...just like her father.

"You're insane if you honestly think that him cheating on you is your fault. He's an asshole Maya and he never deserved you" I reply, growing agitated. I couldn't just sit here and let her talk about herself this way. Maya Penelope Hunter deserved all the love in the world from a man far better than Trevor Hale.

"Who are you kidding Josh? Everyone leaves me. I'm clearly not worth staying around for. I suppose it's better I learn that now. Do you think I should buy a cat?" she asks and I shake my head, standing up and grabbing my keys. I was putting an end to this right now.

"You're not buying a pet. Are you home?" I ask, closing the door to my dorm. Her dorm was just across the quad and I could be there in literally seven seconds.

"Too late, I'm already shopping" she replies and I chuckle at her ridiculousness. She was already sounding like herself. Mission on the way to being accomplished. "And why do you care if I'm home? It's Friday, isn't that your night out with the guys?" she asks. I roll my eyes. Fridays were the nights that I went out and pretended that I wasn't in love with my best friend and tried to distract myself with random girls willing to help me get my mind off of her for a little while. It was hardly anything I was disappointed to be missing.

I walk into her housing complex and wave to the person working the check-in desk not bothering to stop since they knew exactly where I was heading. I climb into the elevator and head up to her floor, stepping off and walking down the hallway to her room. "I'm asking because you're not moping all damn night" I tell her but I stop in my tracks when I see Trevor coming from the other direction with a bouquet of roses in his hands.

This was not happening.

I continue forward and finally the man notices me and furrows his eyebrows at me. I ignore him and knock on Maya's door. "My, open the door" I instruct her through the phone.

"You sound agitated. What? Is one of your many conquests in the hallway?" she teases, opening her door and smiling at me despite her bright red, puffy cheeks but soon enough her eyes travel to the man behind me and her eyes widen. "Trev?"

She hangs up her phone and I move to stand beside her. If anything I was still her best friend and I was not about to let this asshole push her around anymore, treating her like she was nothing more than a toy for his amusement. "Hey baby." I fume. He wasn't serious. I had just talked my best friend down from sobbing her eyes out over this asshole and now he was trying to act like everything was fine.

"Baby? I'm sorry. You seem to have the wrong room" she replies, crossing her arms over her chest. "I believe you're looking for Meredith's room. That's three doors down...you know the door you would pass after sleeping in my bed." My anger intensifies. He was screwing around with one of her neighbors?

"Maya come on. We all make mistakes."

"We don't all end up in someone else's bed" I reply, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at the man. "I can't imagine that it was a one-time thing so please do tell, how many times did you let the mistake take place and how much longer were you planning on making this mistake had you not gotten caught?"

His cheeks turn red. "What do you know about relationships Matthews? The entire campus won't go anywhere near you because you're too busy pathetically pining over her" he says, pointing to Maya. "And trust me, she isn't good enough to be pined over."

I lose it.

I charge towards him but Maya is quick to hold me back, wrapping her hands around my biceps. "Josh stop" she pleads, yanking me backwards. "He's not even worth it" she insists, shooting daggers at him. "You can go Trevor."

He scoffs. "Fine but you'll never find anyone like me. Trust me" he adds, tossing the flowers to the ground as he stomps off. Maya huffs.

"As if I'd ever want to find another man like him." She looks up to me and a grin spreads across her cheeks. "In fact, maybe the man I'm looking for is looking right at me" she adds. "You know, it honestly wasn't until you charged at him that it hit me....you like me, don't you?" she asks, almost giddily. I laugh, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Yea. Just a little bit you oblivious idiot."

She laughs, stepping towards me. "I'm sorry. Do you think you could ever forgive me?"

"I don't know. It may take dinner and a movie to make it up to me." She shakes her head in amusement, holding her hand out to me.

"It's a date" she agrees and I take her hand in mine and give it a firm shake, thankful that the tears from earlier are long gone replaced instead by her bright, infectious smile and I find myself grinning back at her, already counting down the minutes until our date. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now