Breaking the Rules

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Josh's POV

One of the best things about my brother living in an apartment building is that there's a pool in the back of the building. It was the perfect escape for a warm summer day.

I use Cory's key card and walk into the fenced area scanning the deck for a place to set my stuff. I decide on a chair in the corner just far enough from the pool to avoid splashes but close enough that the walk to the pool isn't awful.

I set down my stuff and strip off my shirt. I toss my shirt onto the lounge chair as my eyes lock on a gorgeous blonde sneaking in with what I presume to be Riley's key card. Her eyes meet mine and a smile pulls at her lips as she struts over to me, placing her stuff on the chair beside mine.

"Gorgeous" I greet her, my eyes squinting in the afternoon sun.

"Josh" she replies as she moves her sunglasses off her face so that I can see her sparkling blue eyes that reflect the pool around us.

"What are you doing here?" I question.

"Swimming" she laughs, rolling her eyes at my seemingly ridiculous question.

"Ha ha" I reply as I chuckle and brush past her to get in the pool. I jump in, coming up to the surface as she pulls her cover-up over her head, revealing a light blue bikini. My breath hitches as I stare up at her. Every inch of her body was flawless, from the curve of her hips to her long legs.

"Staring is impolite" she calls me out with a smirk.

"Wearing a bikini is impolite" I shoot back making her chuckle as she comes to sit on the corner of the pool, letting her feet wade in the water.

"Why? Am I attractive?" she asks playfully as she kicks her feet back and forth sending water droplets flying in front of her.

"I can't answer that" I smirk as she laughs nodding her head knowingly.

"One year left Matthews" she replies with a smile, a blush rising on her cheeks as she locks eyes with me.

"Until what?" I ask, playing dumb.

"You're so annoying sometimes" she sighs. "I feel like we're like flirting or something but then you says stuff like that and I just" she trails off as I shake my head, swimming over to her. I hop up onto the edge of the pool and sit beside her.

"Maya I'm still playing the long game" I assure her as I push my hair out of my face. "I just like teasing you."

"It's not nice" she sighs as she looks over at me.

"I'm sorry" I smile as I take her hand in mine. "I like you Maya. A lot" I confess as a smile pulls at her lips.

"I like you too" she replies sweetly. "And since we're already breaking the rules by breaking in here" she smirks as she leans forward and presses her lips against mine taking me by surprise but I don't hesitate in kissing her back.

"Someday" I murmur as I pull back after a few seconds, resting my forehead against hers.

"Someday" she agrees before standing up and walking over to the chair to retrieve her stuff.

"Leaving already?" I shout after her as she leaves the area.

"I saw you from Riley's window" she admits with a smirk. "Bye Josh" she waves making me chuckle as she struts off.

"Bye Maya" I shout after her before jumping back into the water.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now