Quizzical Teasing

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Josh's POV

When Maya barged into my dorm tonight the last thing on my mind was schoolwork. It was a common Friday occurrence; Maya would skip out on whatever party the sorority was holding and she'd sneak off to my room for some peace and quiet...and a bit of shenanigans. Tonight though, she had a backpack full of study guides and seemingly no intention of doing anything remotely sexual. Much to my dismay.

"Can you check this?" she asks, shoving the paper into my chest without looking at me. Her hair was up in a wild, messy bun on top of her head and she was literally wearing my old raggedy John Adams High sweatshirt and a tight ass pair of leggings. She was begging to be thrown down onto my mattress but I was ever the gentleman.

"Babe" I sigh, squinting to try and read her teeny, tiny handwriting. I didn't even know what subject we were working on. Upon further examination I land on Calculus and groan. I was helpless in this department. "My, I cannot help you with this. I failed this class and dropped in during my first semester."

She snatches the paper back and crumbles it up, tossing it onto the floor. "It was all probably wrong anyway." She starts scribbling away again on another paper and I shake my head, sliding it off her lap to her protestation but I tsk, moving to sit in front of her. I place my hands on her thighs.

"Talk to me." She looks up at me, her piercing blue eyes staring back into mine. It's clear that something is bothering her and it wasn't just an impending calculus exam.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she says, looking away since she can't lie to my face. One of the strongest parts of our now, three year relationship. We had started dating her senior year which was coincidentally my senior year as well. When she started at NYU I was already starting my Master's degree in historical teaching, hoping to become a professor myself after I pay my dues at some high school after graduation. Now, I was a sophomore, again and Maya was going through it for the first time.

"My. I know you better than myself. Try again." She huffs, running her fingers over callouses on the underside of my hands.

"I'm failing. If I don't pass this class then I'll be down a credit and probably held back to become a second year sophomore. I have to pass. I can't afford not to." My lips quirk into a frown. Maya was on scholarship...a shit load of them. She couldn't lose them or she'd be forced to leave campus.

I pick up her textbook from beside me. "Solve this" I point to the book and a problem lying within. "There has to be an answer index, right?" I page to the end and her lips finally quirk into a small smile.

"Josh, you just admitted that you're clueless."

"And?" I ask. Bingo. The answers are in the back. Thank god for small miracles. "If you get one right...you'll get a prize" I smirk.

She quirks an eyebrow at me. "If you're not the prize then I could care less."

"Study. Undress me as you go" I smirk. Finally there's a glimmer of something other than dread in my girlfriend's eyes and she gets to work.

She gets a few wrong but after about an hour she has me down to nothing but my boxers and only one problem left on the study guide. "Hypothetically speaking...I get this wrong and-."

"And I put everything back on."

"Ugh" she groans. I laugh. It had taken roughly a year to get to this level of comfort. A handful of attempts to sleep together before she graduated and the first time we succeeded, the night she moved onto campus. It had been this way ever since. Playful teasing and a blissful happiness that I've never felt before.

She starts the problem and I lean back onto my pillows, resting my hands behind my head until she slaps the notebook down. I check it against the back of the book and sure enough. "Correct" I smirk. She yelps, tackling me with a torrent of kisses and I laugh against her lips, finally deepening the kiss and grabbing the hem of my sweatshirt between my hands, ready to rip it from her body.

"You think you can help me study like this every week?" she asks as we pull apart momentarily and I chuckle, nodding my head.

"I think that can be arranged" I agree as I toss her sweatshirt onto the floor and pin her beneath me, forgetting all about schoolwork and calculus for the rest of the night. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now