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Happy Fourth of July to my fellow American readers! 💙❤💙


Josh's POV

At twenty-one years old the last thing I want to do is go to the fireworks. It was fun when I was younger and before the invention of social media. A time to have fun and see those friends you haven't seen in a month but in this day and age if you didn't see someone there was probably a reason. But of course Auggie wanted to go and the second that Riley opened her mouth and said that Maya was going to be there the aspect of the fireworks didn't seem so bad.

When we get to the park I glance around but I don't spot the gorgeous blonde anywhere. "Oh there's Lucas" Riley exclaims when she spots her boyfriend. "See you all later" she waves over her shoulder before walking off.

"I'm going to get a beer" I mutter though no one is paying even the slightest amount of attention to me. I walk over to the concession stand and as I stand in line I feel a tap on my shoulder making me turn to face the person I've been searching for. Her blonde hair is curled but tied back in a high ponytail, she has on a pair of red shorts that leave little to the imagination and a sheer white top with a lacy blue bralette beneath it. "Gorgeous" I greet her.

"Boing" she smirks. " Happy Fourth" she adds with a smile. "I wouldn't have expected you to show up to this."

"What? Why?" I ask, pretending that she wasn't completely right and that the only reason I was here was because of her.

"I just thought you'd have a better offer" she shrugs but I shake my head.

"Where else would I wanna be?" I ask simply making a blush rise on her cheeks. "How's your summer been going?" I ask, stepping out of line and falling into step with her.

"Boring as hell" she sighs. "What about you?" she asks, glancing up at me.

"Same" I shrug. This wasn't going well. I didn't know how to casually bring up what exactly her and I were. As far as I knew the long game was still in play but I had no idea if she still thought that. "Maya" I start but she beats me to it by talking over me.

"We should talk" she says making me laugh as she blushes harder than before.

"It's kinda loud here. Wanna take a walk?" I ask the blonde who smiles and nods in reponse. We wander off down a path that was lined with mini American flags, both of us not saying a word.

"You want to end someday don't you?" she asks sadly, kicking at a rock that I'm not convinced is real but just a distraction mechanism.

"Yea" I admit as she nods solemnly, a frown pulling at the corners of her lips.

"I understand" she sighs. "So who is she?" she asks softly. I know it's mean but I kinda want to play with her a bit.

"Well she's funny, incredibly smart though she would never say so herself. She's an amazing artist and did I mention gorgeous?" I ask. It's the last part that makes her eyes widen as she stares up at me. "I don't want to do someday anymore Maya because I want you to be mine" I say seriously as I catch her waist and pull her against me.

"Really?" she asks, hope clear in her dazzling blue eyes.

"Really" I nod as I duck down and press my lips to her's. She kisses me back passionately, both of us pouring four years of emotion into one kiss.

Bang 🎆 Boom 🎇 Bang 🎆

Maya pulls back from me with a yelp as her gaze turns towards the sky making me chuckle as I follow her gaze. The colors light up my gorgeous girl's face, the reds and whites reflecting back in her wide blue eyes. "Gorgeous" she mutters as she stares up at the sky.

"Yes you are" I reply softly making her gaze turn back to me, a soft smile pulling at her lips.

"That was so cheesy" she giggles.

"Maybe but it made you smile" I point out as I grab her hand and pull her against me. I caress her cheek and watch the fireworks reflect off her face as I lean back in to kiss her, letting the kiss linger a bit longer without my jumpy girlfriend pulling away with the boom of the fireworks above us. "Come on" I insist as we pull apart and I grab her hand. She eyes me skeptically but follows after me to my car.

"What are we doing?" she giggles as I retrieve a blanket from the backseat and spread it across the hood of my car. I hop up and hold out my hand making her smile widen as she takes my hand and allows me to pull her up beside me.

"Comfy?" I ask as I settle back against my windshield.

"Not yet" she replies as she moves so her head is on my chest with her legs curled up beside her.

"Better?" I chuckle as I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Much" she smiles as she snuggles closer to me.

"Good. Happy Fourth of July baby" I say softly as I hug her closer.

"Best Fourth of July ever" she replies as the fireworks continue to explode above us.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now