Secret Rendezvous ✅

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Maya's POV

I'm at Riley's house sleeping over just like I always do on Friday nights but tonight's different because Josh is asleep down the hall.

It's the first weekend of summer vacation and Josh is staying at Riley's house for a month because of his summer courses at NYU.

I twist and turn knowing that if I keep moving I'm going to eventually wake up Riley but I know that sleep is impossible with him in my near vicinity. I sigh, lying on my back while I weigh my options; I could stay here and probably wake up Riley or I could leave and try to calm myself down enough to fall asleep.

After thinking for what feels like forever I finally decide to go for a walk around the loft.

I get up and walk towards the door, closing it behind me as I step into the hallway. I walk towards the kitchen but as I approach the landing I realize there's a light on. I peek around the corner and see Josh sitting at the kitchen table looking at his phone worriedly and decide that it's probably best to leave him alone so I turn around attempting to make my way back to Riley's room but the floor creaks and Josh looks up.

"Maya" he asks unsure, looking into the darkness.

Well, guess I'm going to talk to him after all.

"Hey" I whisper walking into the kitchen innocently.

"Couldn't sleep?" he guesses looking up at me.

"Yea" I admit taking a seat across from him. I couldn't sit next to him that was for sure but this distance wasn't that much better for my pounding heart.

"Me either" he sighs sliding his phone towards me. I look down and see a picture of a random blonde girl draped over some guy.

"She seems lovely" I chuckle, sliding the phone back to him. "Who is she?" I ask looking up at him curiously.

"My girlfriend" he explains bluntly. My lips part in shock as my eyes stare into Josh's. I didn't even know he had a girlfriend but by the looks of the photo he wouldn't much longer.

"I'm sorry" I apologize, suddenly really embarrassed over my comment and heartbroken for Josh.

"It's okay. It's not your fault and you didn't know" he shrugs. "My buddy Andrew sent this to me. I haven't been able to shut my brain off since" he explains, his voice rough with exhaustion.

"It's not okay Josh. That girl is an idiot" I argue, not thinking before the words leave my mouth but I don't want to take them back; I mean every word.

"Still got that crush on me Hunter?" he asks smiling at me teasingly.

"It's not a crush" I remind him and he chuckles getting noticeably flustered as a blush rises on his cheeks.

"Right. Sorry" he replies, looking at me intently. "How have you been?" he asks curiously.

"Good. Until you showed up" I add in annoyance making his eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What did I do?" he asks defensively.

"You show up here looking a thousand times hotter than you did the last time you were here and then you make me feel bad because I've been stressing out all day about your mere presence while you actually have real stuff you're dealing with."

Josh quirks an eyebrow at me. "You think I'm hot?" he teases making me chuckle as I roll my eyes in amusement. Of course that's all he got out of that. Such a boy.

"I'm going to bed" I decide, standing up abruptly. "Goodnight Josh" I add, beginning to walk away but Josh jumps off the bench and grabs my wrist.

"Josh what are you doing?" I ask as he spins me around to face him.

"I have a really bad idea" he responds and I look at him confused but it only lasts a few seconds because suddenly Josh's lips land on mine.

I'm shocked and confused. Not five minutes ago we were talking about his cheating girlfriend, he didn't mean this. I push him away without kissing him back.

"Josh" I whisper looking up at him sadly. "You shouldn't have done that" I insist as I back away from him despite every fiber in my being begging me to get closer

"I'm sorry. I said it was a bad idea, I just-I always wondered what that would be like" he confesses and my eyes widen.

"What?" I exclaim, gaping at him.

"Maya, have you ever noticed that every time I turn you down I pull the three years card" he asks, walking towards me while I continue my futile attempt at putting space between us. "I never actually said I didn't have feelings for you" he points out and now I'm up against the wall.

"You just found out your girlfriend is cheating on you. You don't mean any of this" I insist, trying to keep my breathing under control but my body was in a frenzy having him this close to me.

"I mean every word Maya" he argues, throwing his phone onto the table next to us. He looks at me for a second longer before cupping my cheek and leaning closer. The moment our lips meet, it's like fireworks and I know he means it. He wasn't just playing with me. He actually liked me.

Damn, this was going to be complicated.

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