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Maya's POV

I'm in my room packing my duffel bag for the weekend when my mom appears in my doorway. "Hey baby girl" she smiles, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hey mom" I reply, looking up from my task. "What's up?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing" she replies in a voice that says anything but. I eye her expectantly, raising a curious eybrow at her.

"Mom what's going on? Did the wedding get cancelled?" I ask worriedly. This weekend I was heading to Philly for Eric's wedding and with him you never knew what could happen.

"No nothing like that" she sighs, "but your dad couldn't get out of work so we won't be able to drive up until the day of."

"Hold on" I say sadly, "does that mean that I can't go down for the weekend?"

"Of course not" Riley smiles, appearing in my doorway. "You're staying in the hotel with my family. You'll even have your own room" she smiles.

"Seriously?" I exclaim.

"Seriously" Riley replies happily. "We'll be here tomorrow at ten to pick you up" she explains.

"Okay, but uh before you go" I add, holding up a finger. "Could you maybe stay and help me pack?" I ask hopefully.

She rolls her eyes walking towards me, "you're lucky I love you" she smiles as I nod in agreement.

"Yea I know."


The ride down to Philly was something I was dreading until I climbed into the backseat of the Matthews' van, finding the youngest of Amy and Alan's children sitting in the window seat. "Josh?" I ask in shock, my eyes widening in surprise.

"Maya?" he asks equally as shocked as me making Riley giggle as she settles in beside her little brother.

"Surprise" she smirks making me shoot her a smile before I take my seat beside Josh.

"I didn't know you were coming" I say seriously making him laugh.

"Hunter, he's my brother" he reminds me.

"Okay" I give with a smile, "let me rephrase. I didn't know that you were coming with us. As in, in this car" I explain.

"The same can be said for you" he replies. "As far as I knew you were riding up with your parents."

I nod as Cory pulls out of the driveway. "I was. My dad has to work so they won't be able to come down until the day of" I explain.

"Gotcha" he smiles. "So. You excited?"

"Very" I reply honestly. "Are you staying in the hotel or at your parents place?"

"Hotel. My parents place is swarming with relatives I'd like to avoid as long as possible."

"Avoid? Why?" I ask confused.

"You already got into NYU right?" he asks as I nod, still confused as to what the point is. "How many people ask you about your college plans?" he asks as I laugh realizing his point finally.

"You don't want to answer a million questions" I guess as he nods.

"Exactly" he agrees before Topanga catches his attention. I grab my earbuds and place them in my ears, turning up my music and tuning everyone out for the rest of the ride.


I have my own room because Riley was already rooming with her mom and Topanga didn't want to room with Riley and I. They didn't trust us enough to room alone, saying we'd stay up all night and not make it to any of the festivities tomorrow.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now