Mama Maya

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Josh's POV

Maya's first Mother's Day was horrible. It had only been a twenty-four hours since she had officially become a mother and she spent the whole day in pain. Her second one wasn't any better since our little angel had gotten sick and we spent the whole day cleaning up vomit and trying to get her to sleep but I was determined to get it right this year. 

I set my alarm for six in the morning since our daughter had a habit of waking us up around eight and I sneak out of bed to head down to the kitchen to start cooking. Maya wasn't huge on breakfast but she loved pancakes more than life itself. 

I start mixing the batter when I hear the patter of small footsteps on the hardwood floor and I look down to find our daughter standing before me with her blanket in her arms and her thumb in her mouth. "Morning sweetheart" I whisper, abandoning my task as I kneel down in front of her. "You okay? Why are you up so early?" I ask, feeling her forehead for a fever on impulse. She appears fine. 

"I heard noises" she says making me chuckle. I had apparently woken her up. "What are you doing?" she asks, pointing to the food on the counter. 

"I'm making mommy breakfast. Wanna help?" I ask but she shakes her head, dropping her blanket onto the floor. 

"I wanna make her breakfast" she says and with that single sentiment she walks off towards her room and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I knew I could follow her and investigate the matter further but there was nothing in her room that she could get into too much trouble with. 

I turn my attention back to the pancakes and as I'm placing the last one on the plate my wife comes walking down the stairs. "Morning gorgeous" I greet her sweetly. A soft smile tugs at her lips when she takes in the spread of food on the counter. 

"Good morning" she replies, sliding onto her chair across from me. "What is all this?" she asks confusedly. 

I slide her plate towards her. "This is for you being the best mother in the entire universe and for making me the happiest man on the planet."

"You're too much babe" she insists, shoveling the food into her mouth. She pauses. "But oh my god this is delicious" she moans and I laugh. 

"I'm glad you like it" I beam back at her as little feet wander back down the hallway and our daughter appears with a plate full of Play-Doh mushed into the shape of pancakes and sausage. 

"Happy Mother's Day" she says, holding it out to Maya. Maya's smile widens and her eyes fill with tears as she takes the plate from her. 

"Emmy" she cries, staring at the plate. "Thank you baby girl" she gushes, sliding off her chair and scooping our daughter up into her arms. "I love you so much."

"I love you too mama" she replies and my heart swells. I swore nothing was better than the small, little family that Maya and I had created together. It was perfect. 

The three of us then settle around the island and eat our breakfast while the Play-Doh meal sits in the center. "Mama aren't you gonna eat my breakfast?" Emmy asks, pointing to the Play-Doh. Maya chuckles, grabbing the Play-Doh and bringing one of the pretend pancakes to her lips to mimic eating it but within seconds her face pales and her hand flies to her stomach. 

She dashes off down the hall to our bathroom and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion while Emmy starts to cry because "mommy hated her breakfast." I comfort our daughter and get her calmed down, telling her that her mom just wasn't feeling well this morning and that it was probably my meal that made her sick before Maya returns with a sheepish look upon her face. 

"You okay?" I ask worriedly, sliding off my seat to join her. She nods. 

"I'm fine" she assures me. "Just a little nauseous. Where's Em?" she asks, looking around the empty room. 

"She's in her room coloring a picture for you" I chuckle, staring at my wife intently. "Maya what's going on?" I press. 

She bites her lip, looking between my eyes apprehensively. "I'm pregnant."

A smile splits across my face. "You're pregnant? As in, we're having another baby?"

"Yes Josh" she laughs. "Another Mother's Day for the record books I guess." I grab her waist and pull her in for a kiss, smiling against her lips. Another baby. It was something I had always wanted but we hadn't even really been trying. I couldn't believe we were really going to be parents again. It seemed surreal but I couldn't be happier especially to be having these experiences with Maya. There was a time when our relationship seemed both impossible and inevitable all at once and now she was my wife and the mother to not one but two of my kids. I couldn't possibly imagine a better life than the one we had built together. 

"Happy Mother's Day Maya" I murmur, unsure what else to say when we pull apart and she giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck. 

"Thank you and not just for the sweet sentiment. Thank you for loving me and for marrying me and for having babies with me. My life wouldn't be half of what it is now without you. I love you so much Josh."

"And I love you" I agree, pulling her closer. "And you don't have to thank me for having babies with you. It's my pleasure" I tease making her nose scrunch adorably. "And we could always have a couple more after this one."

"Oh yea?" she asks, quirking an eyebrow at me. "Why don't we stick with the two for now and go from there? I love being a mom but I also need time to be a wife" she smirks, resting her forehead against mine. "Too many kids and things like alone time cease to exist."

"Oh baby don't worry. Alone time can be captured anywhere." She laughs, pressing her lips back to mine but before long our daughter appears between us. 

"I wanna have a tea party" she announces and Maya's lips quirk into an adoring smile as she takes my hand and nods her head. 

"A tea party sounds lovely sweetheart. Lead the way" she insists and with that, I'm led into my daughter's bedroom to enjoy tea with a bunch of stuffed animals and my two favorite girls. 

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