A Surprising Holiday

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A/N: Welcome to another one shot centered around an already passed holiday! Yep. Father's Day! This Father's Day was really hard for me and honestly I spent most of the day wishing it would just end but I had this idea for a one shot saved up and I still really wanted to share it! So, that's what I'm doing now. I'm sorry it took so long, between everything going on with my family and stepping into an interm role as assistant manager at work, I've been stressed (and that may be an understatement) but I hope you all still enjoy this one shot and if you read this entire author's note, just know that I love and appreciate you!


Maya's POV

"Happy Father's Day" I tell my dad while I talk to him on the phone, early on Sunday morning. He's on speaker while I whip up Josh's favorite breakfast, waffles with blueberry syrup. I preferred pancakes and strawberries but today was his special day, not mine.

"Thanks sweetheart" Shawn replies. "But I have to admit, I'm surprised that you're up so early. Do you have plans today?" He inquires.

Josh and I were the complete opposite of early birds, in fact we would rather watch the sun rise before we went to sleep than wake up early to see it, which made me being up before ten in the morning a rarity.

I bite my lip, thinking of the one and only plan I had in mind today.

I had come up with the idea while Josh and I were shopping for cards for our own fathers. I had only known about the baby for about three days and was still overwhelmed with excitement so, unable to help myself, I bought Josh a card and planned to wait until today to tell him.

Nevertheless, I decide to play it coy. I didn't want to tell my parents before I told Josh. "Maybe" I reply nonchalantly.

"Mhm" he hums, unconvinced. It was no secret to my parents that Josh and I had been trying to get pregnant. We had been married for almost three years, had both graduated college and secured steady jobs. It was the logical next step.

Unfortunately, it was proving to be far more difficult than either of us could've imagined. "Well, have a great time with your plans." He says teasingly.

"I intend to" I reply before telling him that I love him and hanging up the phone.

Breakfast was nearly done now which only left the presentation to be prepared.

I grab a tray from the cupboard and place the plate on top, pouring him a glass of orange juice and then grabbing the card that I had bought, from the junk drawer. It, being the only place I knew he'd never look.

I tuck the card underneath his plate and start up the steps, trying to keep myself from dropping everything despite the way my hands shake with nerves.

I push open the door gently, finding my husband still fast asleep and allow a soft smile to tug at my lips as I step closer.

I place the food on the nightstand, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and gently shaking him awake. His blue eyes find mine immediately.

"Good morning" he smiles, moving his hand to my thigh. "What are you doing out of bed?" I chuckle. In our trying to get pregnant, there weren't many mornings that we didn't end up spending way too long in bed after we woke up.

"I made you breakfast." I tell him excitedly, hoping he doesn't think too much of the gesture.

He casts his gaze over my shoulder to the plate of food. "I'm not hungry." He argues, squeezing my thigh. "Come back to bed. We can work up an appetite."

"Josh" I exclaim, pushing away his hand as it trails up to the hem of my shorts. "Behave." I scold, standing up and grabbing his food. I place it on his lap.

He grumbles, noting that I'm clearly not giving in. "Why do I have to eat when you're not eating" he asks, like the toddler we'll soon have.

"Joshua Gabriel Matthews" I groan, moving the plate and grabbing the card. "Just read this."

His eyebrows knit together in confusion as his hand slowly reaches out to grab the envelope from my hand. "What is this? It's not my birthday."

I roll my eyes. As if I could forget his birthday, as if it weren't an actual holiday. "I'm aware that it's not Valentine's Day." I bring my bottom lip back between my teeth. "It's Father's Day" I remind him.

He doesn't appear any less confused. "Okay" he draws out. "But I'm not-." All the while he's been opening the card and finally, when his eyes roam the words written before him, his mouth falls open in shock, his eyes shooting up to meet mine. "Maya."

"Yes?" I ask innocently, the giddiness building up inside.

"Baby, you better not be messing with me right now" he threatens, his voice heightening as he moves the tray out of the way.

"I'm not messing with you" I assure him. "I'm pregnant."

Josh jumps off the bed, tackling me in a loving embrace, the card still in hand. "I'm gonna be a dad?" He asks dazedly, as if he still can't believe it as we pull apart.

I smile widely, nodding my head. "Happy Father's Day baby."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now