Becoming Mom

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Happy Mother's Day 💕🌸

Maya's POV

"Morning." Josh's voice is the first that I hear when I wake up on Sunday morning, his arms winding around my waist and his lips trailing across my jaw. I can't help the smile that tugs at my lips. 

It had been years and I still couldn't get enough of waking up beside him. My husband. "Morning" I reply dreamily, exhaling deeply as I turn around and look him in his breathtaking blue eyes. 

"Happy-." His words are cut off by a loud clang coming from downstairs. I quirk an eyebrow at him and he chuckles, bowing his head. 

"You did not let the boys into the kitchen, did you?" He doesn't meet my eyes as he nods his head. I'd be mad at him if he weren't so damn...Josh. I sigh, lifting his chin with my index finger to make him look at me. "Must I remind you that they're literally the last two people in the world that should be cooking."

"But it's mother's day and they were so excited-." 

"Mom!" The first voice belongs to the youngest of our boys, Cody. When he was born I had cried as if I were the baby, so grateful to be holding such a perfect, wholesome combination of myself and the man that I love. 

"That's my cue." I kiss Josh on the lips and climb out of bed, padding across the floor with him on my heels. 

I descend the steps and the smell of burnt pancakes wafts in the air. When we arrive in the kitchen there's a plate piled high with charred pancakes and our sons standing behind the counter with nervous expressions on their faces. 

Cody, only nine years old, looked just like me. Blonde, blue-eyed and in possession of my nose while Blake, nearly twelve, shared every feature with his father. Except his green eyes which belonged to his mother. 

Josh and I had been waiting for someday when it happened. I knew he wasn't waiting out for me in every aspect of his life and neither was I. We had our fair share of romance before finally ending up together but the hardest hurdle had certainly come in the form of Layla. 

She went to university with him and the two of them had a sort of no strings attached arrangement...until they conceived Blake. 

She had wanted nothing to do with motherhood, making it clear from the beginning of her pregnancy that she would rather make it go away all together. But, Josh had wanted the baby. He respected her choice but she too respected his. So, they agreed that she would carry to term and never have contact with him again. 

It had been Josh's senior year by the time Blake was born and I had only been a sophomore. 

He hated asking me for help but he was too proud to ask his family and somehow, this child that I had no part in creating stole my entire heart and along the way I fell even harder for Josh. 

We moved in together at the beginning of my junior year and by the end of it we were engaged and we were married and expecting a baby of our own by the time Blake turned five. 

Since then it's been me and my boys. All three of them. 

"Do I even want to know what happened in here?" I ask. The kitchen not only smelled burnt but there was batter covering every surface and a mountain of dishes in the sink. 

"We were trying to make pancakes" Blake explains, untying the apron from around his waist. "We'll clean everything up."

I smile, patting my son on the cheek. It had been something I'd wanted since he was a baby, to become his mother officially and on the day that Josh and I got our marriage license I too became a mom. "It's the thought that counts." 

Josh smiles, silently looking on in adoration like he often does. I pretend not to notice. "The pancakes would've been a much nicer gesture though" Cody argues. 

I ruffle his hair. "I love you both all the same."

"Love you too" they agree in unison. My heart triples in size inside my chest, overflowing. 

"We got you something." Blake disappears then and returns with a gift bag filled to the brim with tissue paper. "Cody wrapped it." I chuckle, pulling out the tissue paper and gaping at what waits for me at the bottom. 

"Boys" I murmur, placing my hand over my heart as I slowly pull out the scrapbook. 

"We raided the baby books and made some copies" Blake explains. 

On the cover is a simple word, mom, and it makes me cry even harder. Inside, on the first page is a letter from Cody. Or really a short couple words. 

"To the best mom ever on your day. Eat pancakes and watch Netflix until it asks if you're still watching. We'll be there to click the yes button for you." 

I laugh through my tears, reaching out to give my youngest a hug before flipping to the next page to find the words of my oldest son. 

"To the mom who chose to love me. There aren't enough words in any language to thank you for everything you've done for me and one day will never truly be long enough to showcase how appreciative I am of you every single day. You will forever be the person I admire most. I love you so damn much mom. And you can yell at me tomorrow for swearing."

"There's much less mushy stuff if you just turn the page-." I cut off Blake's words by throwing my arms around him and breaking into sobs. "Mom" he says gently, patting my back. "It's okay. You don't have to cry."

I pull away from him, sniffling and wiping underneath my nose. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I apologize. "I just love you so much. Both of you." I add, cupping Cody's cheek. "My boys."

"Ehm." Josh clears his throat and I laugh, stepping away from our sons and allowing my husband to pull me into his embrace. 

"Oh stop. You know I love you too." And as his lips close over mine, everything is exactly as it should be; like I always dreamed but somehow even better.  

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