Drowning in Love

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Maya's POV

"I hate my life" I complain as I sit in the lifeguard tower for what feels like the thousandth hour of my shift today.

"Cry me a river" Josh replies as he sits in the lifeguard chair next to mine. When you're in college one of the easiest jobs to get during spring and summer breaks is lifeguarding. They always need more because people always go on vacation plus it pays decent so it wasn't so bad.

"You're just mad because bikini babe turned you down" I smirk trying to stifle my laughter. Josh had finally hit on one of the hottest girls of the season, she came by every day this week in the same skimpy string bikini. Josh thought she was giving him some kind of look but it turns out she just liked waterslides.

"Go ahead" I smile letting the kid know he's clear to go down the slide.

"Am not. Go" Josh adds to the person at his slide. "How are things with you and Mr. Sunglasses?" he asks making me roll my eyes.

"His name is Lucas and I told you we're friends from high school" I argue but Josh only shakes his head. "Why are you so concerned anyway?" I ask and his face turns red as he shrugs.

"I'm not" he lies and I can't help but laugh.

"Okay" I reply as I glance to the bottom of the slide. "Go" I tell the kid making her disappear down the slide. "What are you up to tonight?" I ask curiously as I glance over at Josh.

"Not a damn thing. Hell I don't even know what I'm eating tonight. Payday cannot come fast enough."

"Amen" I reply as I nod to let another kid down the slide. "You could come over. I'm making spaghetti since my friend" I emphasize making him laugh, "is coming over."

"Am I a friend?" he asks and I can't help the blush that rises on my cheeks.

"Do you wanna be?" I ask and silence ensues.

"Oh my god" a kid in the line moans. "Why don't the two of you have sex and put us all out of our misery in this awkward sexually charged wait in line" the kid says and I feel my eyes widen as my heart rate picks up.

"Back of the line" Josh orders making the kid roll his eyes in annoyance as he disappears. "Anyone else wanna smart off?" he asks and I can't help but picture him as a parent. Wait what?

"Next" I smile though for the rest of my shift I can't help but feel awkward around Josh. Did I want him to be more than my friend? Did he want to be more than my friend?

Finally our shifts end and we get dressed before heading to my place. I'm in the middle of boiling noodles while Josh sips a glass of wine when my phone dings. I grab it and sigh when I read the text from Lucas.

"Something wrong?" Josh asks but I shrug as I power off my phone.

"He cancelled" I reply and Josh's eyes widen.

"Oh" he says and I can't help but feel nervous. Was he gonna leave now that it was just the two of us. "Maya I think we should talk about what happened today."

"What happened? Some kid made a smart ass remark and got booted to the end of the line. End of story" I shrug as I sip my wine. It's a good thing I had alcohol or I doubted I would've even said that much.

"I mean was he wrong though? You and I we flirt kinda. Don't we?" he asks and suddenly I can't breathe. Was that what we did? Flirted?

"I don't know Josh. Until today the thought of you romantically never crossed my mind."

"What about now?" he asks and I down the rest of my glass.

"Now I don't know whether I should kiss you or ask you to leave" I admit as I chance a look up at him. Silence falls around us again and suddenly he makes his way over to me and crashes his lips onto mine. I loose myself in the kiss, drowning in him and not wanting to come up for air. Kissing him was definitely the right decision.

"Sorry" he whispers as he finally pulls back.

"Don't be" I reply as I rest my forehead against his. "I kinda feel bad for making that kid go to the back of the line now" I admit making Josh laugh.

"I promise if we see him again we'll always let him skip to the front" he replies as I smile, nodding in agreement.

"Perfect" I smile as I lean back up to kiss him, letting myself drown back into another kiss. 

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