Prince Boing to the Rescue

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*Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault*


Josh's POV

You never remember to turn off the ringer on your phone until it blares at two in the morning waking you out of a deep slumber.

I reach over to grab it, shocked to see Maya's name lighting the screen.

"Gorgeous" I ask confused as I sit up.

"Oh my god. I woke you didn't I?" she asks quickly. "I am so sorry. I just. You're in college, it's a Friday night. I thought you'd be up. Go back to sleep" she rambles as I shake my head.

"Maya. I'm up. I'm here. What's going on sweetheart?" I can hear the tears in her voice, there is no way I'm letting her hang up on me.

"I just" she stutters as she starts to cry. "I need someone. Riley is with Lucas. Zay is in Texas. Farkle and Smackle don't go to parties. I just need someone."

"Maya where the hell are you?"

"A party" she says softly. "I'm at NYU."

"How far from my place are you?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know" she replies. "Why?"

"Because I'm worried about you" I reply honestly. "Maya what the hell happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it over the phone" she confesses. My heart drops.

"I'm sending an Uber for you. You're coming over."

"But Josh" she tries to protest.

"No arguing" I say simply. "I'll see you in a little bit gorgeous."


"Hey" I say softly as I stand in my doorway as she stumbles up my front walk, her heels in her hands, her makeup streaked from crying.

"Hi" she replies as she reaches my doorstep. We pause, just looking at each other before I finally pull her into my arms. She stiffens in my grip and my heart drops. She didn't want to be touched. That scared the hell out of me.

"Come in" I say as I step back and let her in. She stops in the middle of my living room while I close the door. She glances around awkwardly.

"You can go back to sleep Josh. I'll stay on the couch. Thanks for letting me come over."

"You're really cute when you act like I'm going to let this go" I reply as I motion for her to come sit on the couch with me. She hesitates but finally sits in the empty spot beside me. "What happened?"

"Nothing" she lies, averting her eyes to the ground.

"I don't believe you" I reply honestly. "Maya. I know how those parties can be" I start carefully. "Did someone do something you didn't want?"

"Why would you think that?" she asks quickly.

"Because you've never not wanted me to hug you" I state simply.

"It was my own fault" she laughs lightly. "It's a party. He invited me upstairs. What did I think was gonna happen?"

"That's not how consent works babe" I explain softly.

"We didn't have sex if that's what you're thinking" she supplies. I let out a breath of relief. "We fooled around. I just. I happened to say no before he stuck his hands up my dress" she explains as tears threaten to fall down her face again.

"Hey, hey" I say softly as I hesitantly lean forward to brush away her tears. "It's gonna be okay."

"And if it's not?"

"It will be" I assure her. "Stay here" I add softly as I stand up and go up to my room. I grab an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants, bringing them downstairs.

"Here. Go change" I urge. She stares at the clothes before taking them and walking off. When she gets back her hair is up in a messy bun on her head, her makeup is gone, and she's dressed in my clothes.

"Thanks" she whispers as she puts her stuff in a neat pile on my coffee table. "I'll be out in the morning."

"You leave before I get up and I'll call Shawn" I say simply. Her eyes widen before she nods in understanding. "Of course we're still doing that" I add. "But together."

"Okay" she nods.

"Okay" I agree. "You can go upstairs by the way. I'm taking the couch."

"It's your house" she argues.

"Don't care" I say simply. "You've had a night from hell. Go lay down Maya."

"Come with me" she whispers. I look at her in shock. She chuckles. "Not to do anything. Just. Lay with me. Please."

"You sure?"

"Mhm" she nods. I smile as I stand up and follow her up to my room. We settle into bed and for a minute or two it's quiet. Until I hear her quiet sobs.

"Shhh" I say softly as I place my hand on her back. "It's gonna be okay Maya" I whisper as I rub her back gently. She turns to face me.

"I was so scared tonight" she confesses. "I didn't know who else to call. You were the first person I wanted to talk to. I wanted you."

"I'm here" I remind her as I reach forward to wipe her tears. "I really need to stop touching you" I realize out loud. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay" she smiles softly. "I'm not afraid of you" she assures me.

"Good" I smile. "Because I'd never, ever hurt you."

"I know" she says simply as she scoots closer into my arms. I wrap her up and hold her close. She was never leaving my side again that was for sure.

"Goodnight gorgeous" I say softly as I kiss the top of her head.

"Goodnight boing" she replies making me chuckle. "Or should I say Prince Boing?" she giggles suddenly making a smile pull at my lips.

"If I'm a prince then you're Princess Ferret" I tease.

"That's awful" she laugh. "I love it."

"Get some sleep princess."

"Whatever you say prince" she replies before drifting off to sleep in my arms. 

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