Shut Up

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Maya's POV

How my best friend in the universe ended up with Joshua Matthews as her uncle I would never know.

It was my senior year of high school and I had been dealing with him since I was fifteen and he started going to NYU.

He drove me nuts, both of us bickering more than anything. Of course the older I got the harder it became for me not to notice the way his jaw clenches in anger when he shouts at me. Or how the vein in his neck and the small one in his forehead bulged out. How his chest rose and fell quick with his hurtful words, his eyes darkening over with a sort of hate for me though there was a part of me that thought maybe, just maybe our hatred wasn't hatred at all.

It's Friday night and I'm waiting at the Matthews' loft for my date to pick me up. It was something I did a lot, arranged my dates to pick me up and drop me off there because I worried about what my parents would say about the amount of boys I ran through. Truth be told I blamed Josh. I wouldn't need mindless attention from random guys if he'd just come to the same conclusion that I was quickly coming to.

"Hot date?" Josh teases as he wanders into the loft with his laundry over his shoulder.

"The hottest" I reply nonchalantly.

"Isn't that what you said last week?" he questions making me roll my eyes at him.

"You remembered. Good for you. Want a cookie?" I snip as he pays me with his own eye roll.

"You know you could stop fucking around Maya. I'm sure some boy would put up with you long-term" he says making me turn to face him.

"Put up with me?" I question. "You think a boy would put up with me? Josh any boy would be lucky to have me" I add, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Says the insecure girl with daddy issues" he replies making my eyes widen as I jump out of my seat, stalking towards him.

"Shut. Up." I shout angrily. He stares back at me, taking a step towards me.

"Make me" he replies. I know he probably expects me to shoot back some remark but I have a much better idea as to how to shut him up.

"Fine" I shout, grabbing his face and pressing my lips to his. I expect him to push me away. I expect yelling, another fight. I expect him to throw me out. I expect him to do anything except what he actually does. He grabs my waist, pulling my body hard against his. A moan falls from my lips as his tongue parts my lips, my hands moving from his face to behind his neck. I tug harshly on his hair earning a low groan from Josh before finally we pull apart breathlessly. "You're such an asshole" I breathe out making him chuckle as he gazes down at me.

"Only because you drive me fucking crazy Maya" he sighs. "I shouldn't have brought your dad into it though. I know that's something you struggle with."

"Not as much as I struggle with my feelings for you" I admit. "You infuriate me yet that kiss" I trail off.

"Was amazing" he fills in. "Maybe fighting is just our thing" he chuckles.

"In that case" I smile, letting my fingers tangle in his hair. "Maybe we should work on our communication a bit" I chuckle.

"Okay" he nods, "I think you dress too revealing and you wear too much makeup. You're gorgeous without all the layers" he smiles sweetly.

"And you're actually not that bad without my provoking" I laugh.

"You mean when I remember things you say?" he smiles.

"Want a cookie?" I tease making him chuckle as the doorbell rings.

"You got a hot date?" he smirks, looking between me and the door.

"The hottest" I reply honestly, gnawing my bottom lip as I stare up at him.

"Hm" he hums, releasing me and wandering over to the door and pulling it open.

"Hey I'm here to pick up Maya."

"Maya?" Josh exclaims. "Let me get this straight. You're here to pick up Maya. For a?" he trails off.

"A date" Sean, I think the boy is, responds. "What are you her brother or something?"

Josh scoffs, grabbing the door in his hand. "She's my girlfriend. Have a nice night" he adds, slamming the door shut before turning back to look at me.

"Girlfriend huh?"

"I mean only if you want to be" he says, walking towards me. "I mean we went from fighting like five seconds ago to kissing to me calling you my girlfriend and it's all a little fast but-."

"Shut up" I exclaim, putting my hand over his mouth with a chuckle.

"Make me" he mumbles against my hand making me giggle as I lower my hand and reach up to kiss him.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now