The Good Guy

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Happy Birthday to Our Maya ♥️ Don't forget to give her some birthday love if you haven't already and enjoy this twenty-first birthday inspired one shot

Josh's POV

She's drunk. She's stumbling, slurring her words and laughing that a rock? I chuckle to myself as I walk a step behind her.

The responsible boyfriend thing to do would've been to cut her off earlier but it was her twenty-first. Getting shitfaced and not remembering the night was a rite of passage. And with me watching her, she'd be fine. "Oh." She turns on her heels, almost falling off the damn sidewalk.

I launch myself at her, wrapping my arm around her waist and placing her firmly back onto her feet. "Careful" I mutter softly, staring at her glossy eyes.

"S-sorry" she slurs. "My hero" she adds dreamily, patting my chest and I chuckle. She turns back around, clearly forgetting why she had wanted my attention in the first place, and keeps walking until we reach the apartment and she stops in front of the door just before mine.

We didn't officially live together yet, mainly because we knew Shawn and Cory would kill us but she spent almost every night here and as soon as I graduated it would be the first of many questions that I'd be asking her.

"Uh, Maya." I walk to my door and motion her forward. "Wrong door."

She looks at the unsuspecting door and sticks her tongue out at it and I can't help but laugh as she traipses over to my door.

I unlock the apartment and usher her inside, flipping on the light as I follow her down the hall.

She kicks off her heels from tonight, lets her hair down as I strip off my jacket and hang the keys on the wall.

"Cake!" Her voice bounces off the walls as she rushes towards the kitchen, seemingly just remembering the cake I'd bought her for the occasion. I'd planned for us to eat it after we got home tonight but now she was a little too drunk for us to enjoy it fully.

"Baby, we'll have cake tomorrow." I try, grabbing her waist but her hand reaches out and dips into the frosting.

"Mmm" she hums as she licks it off her finger, giggling when she sees my disapproving glare. "What? Did you want some?" She's talking in full sentences now so the alcohol must be slowly working it's way out of her system.

"No. May-." I don't even get her name out before she sticks her finger into my mouth, coated in buttercream frosting.


I roll my eyes as she removes her finger. "You're lucky you're cute. Do you want a plate?" I ask, releasing her to walk over to the cupboard.

"Yes please." She sits down as I slide a plate and a glass of water towards her.

"Drink that. Please." She nods, picking it up and downing it. When she's done she stares at the glass in confusion. I laugh. "Alcohol will make you thirsty." I get her another glass before cutting her a small piece of cake and leaning against the counter across from her. "Did you enjoy your birthday?" I ask conversationally.

"All thanks to you, I did" she nods, wincing and reaching for her water. She was definitely sobering up. "Can I have more?" She asks, pushing the empty cup towards me.

"In a minute. Don't wanna drink too fast."

She nods, more gentle this time and smiles up at me. "I'm sorry I got so wasted."

I shrug. "It's what you're supposed to do. As long as you had fun, that's all I care about."

"Yea but now you have to take care of me" she grumbles, pushing her empty plate towards me.

"My." I walk around the counter and step in front of her. "I love you. It's my job to take care of you and I always will. Okay?"

She nods and I smile, reaching down to press my lips to hers. Her lips taste like chocolate and vodka which is different than her usual strawberry chapstick and mint but the sounds I elicit from her are all the same as her hands wind into my hair and she pulls me closer.

I groan, grabbing her small waist and picking her up. Her legs wind around me as I carry her across the room and down the hall to the bedroom.

I don't bother with the light, guiding us towards the bed and tossing her down onto it gently. "How drunk are you?" I ask her, staring down at her while my chest rises and falls rapidly.

"Well, I can string a sentence together" she shrugs, a giggle falling from her lips. "But my head is a little fuzzy. Why? Come here." She pats the bed beside her and I sigh.

She was so easy to get wrapped up in and I was so easily intoxicated by her. But even if she were only buzzed, this wasn't right. "Maya."

"No" she whines. "Don't be a good guy right now. I don't want a good guy."

I chuckle, sitting down beside her. "I'm sorry."

She sighs, rolling onto her side and placing her hand over mine. "Don't be sorry. You're right. We shouldn't do this when I see two of you."

I quirk an eyebrow at her. "Two? Where is the other one?"

"There." She points to the floor lamp by the door and I laugh. She may be talking better but she was certainly still a little drunk.

"Yea. You need some sleep" I insist, standing up and grabbing the comforter.

"Will you lay with me?" She asks softly, snuggling up with my pillow like she did every night. I would just give it to her but I don't think she'd want it anymore then.

"Where else would I be?" I ask, stripping down to my boxers and climbing into bed beside her. She scoots closer, hugging my pillow as she nestles her head into my chest and I smile. "Goodnight baby. Happy birthday" I mutter, kissing the top of her head but the words fall on deaf ears as she's already fast asleep.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now