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Maya's POV

I'm walking around the NYU campus with only one goal in mind. Making it to Josh's dorm. It was finals week and he was beyond stressed and I planned on relieving a bit of it.

"What are you doing here?" Andrew asks playfully as he jogs to catch up with me, falling into step beside me. "Coming to visit a certain brunette beauty?" he teases making me roll my eyes as I look up at him.

"What's it to you?" I tease as I look up at him.

"Nothing" he shrugs, "except he's always in a much better mood when you're around" he adds making a smile pull at my lips as we reach the dorms. Drew opens the door and ushers me inside.

"I hope you're right cause that's kinda the plan" I smile. "Get his mind off finals a bit" I shrug as a smirk falls on Drew's face.

"Hm and how do you plan to do that?" he questions, quirking an eyebrow at me. I chuckle and roll my eyes as we inch towards my boyfriend's dorm.

"Goodbye Drew" I smile as I reach Josh's room. I knock once before letting myself in finding him surrounded by books and highlighters on his bed. I can't hide my chuckle as I look at him frantically paging through a notebook, his hand running frustrated through his hair. "Hey baby" I smile making his head snap up to look at me.

"Gorgeous what are you doing here?" he asks curiously as he drops his notebook and climbs off his bed to greet me.

"You sounded stressed and it was a beautiful night for a walk" I shrug making a smile pull at my boyfriend's lips.

"You are the best girlfriend ever" he smiles as he closes the distance between us and kisses me briefly before pulling away. "I can't wait till you're here with me next year" he sighs as his hands rest on my shoulders before running down my arms, his hands slipping into mine.

"Me either" I reply as I reach back up for another kiss. "Technically it's only like four months" I remind him.

"Thank god" he says as he kisses me again. "So" he smiles as he pulls back. "Now that you've distracted me" he laughs lightly as he pulls me over to his bed. "What do you suggest we do for the rest of the night?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask teasingly. "This was a kiss and run. I gotta go" I add as I try to break from his grasp and bolt for the door but he tugs my hand and I stumble back onto the bed, right on top of the numerous papers and textbooks. I feel a highlighter behind me and my eyes widen. "That thing better have a cap" I exclaim as I sit up and sure enough it does. I sigh in relief as Josh laughs, taking the highlighter from my grasp.

"What? Is purple not your color?" he teases as he uncaps the marker.

"My best friend is the queen of purple cats, of course purple is my color" I reply with a roll of my eyes. Josh smirks as he brings the marker over to my skin, hovering above it.

"So you wouldn't mind if I did this" he smirks as he brings the highlighter down onto my skin, writing the letter J in cursive on the back of my wrist. I look down at it and smile.

"I actually like it" I admit as I grab a blue highlighter off the bed and bring it to his wrist, flipping it over and writing an M to match my J.

"Cute" he smiles as he stares down at it. "Maybe we could make these permanent sometime" he suggests with a smile.

"Getting a significant other's name is a kiss of death babe" I point out but he simply shrugs.

"We're forever Hunter" he assures me making my heart flutter, "nonetheless" he adds nonchalantly, "the M can stand for Matthews for me and the J for you can stand for" he trails off. I stare at him expectantly, curious as to what he came up with. "Well you can add letters" he says finally making me laugh as I lean in to kiss him.

"I won't worry too much about it" I assure him. "We are forever after all."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now