Birthday Abroad

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Josh's POV

Waking up on my birthday is usually a fun experience but my gap year was beginning to take quite the toll on my relationship with Maya. It wasn't that we didn't love one another or that we weren't putting in an effort it was more of a distance issue. I had decided to take my gap year in Spain. I immediately fell in love with the culture and the people and I never wanted to leave. I was attempting to convince my gorgeous girlfriend to take a semester abroad and come join me but thus far I've been unsuccessful. I climb out of bed and walk into my bathroom, ready to take a shower when I hear my phone ringing from my bedroom. I groan as I wander back into my room but a smile takes over when I see the name flashing on the screen. "I wasn't expecting a call from you yet" I smile as I sit back down on my bed. Back home in New York it was two in the morning while it was already eight here.

"It's only two" she exclaims defensively making me chuckle. "You know me. Night owl" she adds.

"I do know" I smirk making her snicker.

"Not like that" she exclaims making me laugh. "Happy birthday baby" she says sweetly making a smile pull at my lips. "How's Spain this morning?" she asks curiously.

"Lonely" I admit as I lie back on my bed. "You know how much I love it here but I miss you" I add sadly.

"I know you do" she says softly. "I miss you too. So much. I just wish there was some way for me to see you" she adds with a sigh.

"Yea" I nod, "me too" I add sadly as I hear a knock on my door. "Hold on a sec babe" I tell Maya as I climb off my bed and wander over to the door. When I pull it open my jaw and my phone hit the floor.

"Surprise" Maya exclaims. I immediately pull her into my arms causing us to stumble back into my room. She giggles as she pulls away and closes the door behind us. "Hi" she breathes out with a laugh.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in shock.

"Surprising my boyfriend" she replies in a tone that suggests that this should've been obvious.

"How long are you here?" I ask, not bothering to hide the hope in my voice.

"Let's not worry about that right now" she says as she closes the distance between us and runs her hands down my bare chest. "I really missed you" she whispers as her hands splay out over my hips, her thumbs playing with the waistband of my sweatpants.

"I missed you too" I reply as I caress her cheek. "But sex isn't getting you out of this conversation" I add as I use my free hand to move hers. She pouts but steps back and wanders out onto my balcony.

"Nice place" she compliments.

"Studio apartments are much nicer in Spain" I give making her chuckle as I lean against the balcony beside her, gazing out at the breathtaking scenery. Silence falls around us and I watch her nervously twiddle her thumbs. "You aren't staying" I guess without looking her in the eyes.

"I can't" she admits, her voice cracking. I look up and see tears welled in her eyes.

"Woah, woah" I say softly as I push off the wall and grab her hand in mine, pulling her into my arms. "Don't cry. Hey" I wipe her tears as I gaze into her blue eyes that were spilling over like a waterfall. "It's okay. I'm sorry. We're gonna figure this distance thing out" I assure her. She shakes her head and takes a deep breath.

"I want to stay. I really, really do" she says softly. "But my financial aid won't be enough to cover a semester abroad and Shawn" she takes a deep breath. "He won't fund the trip because he doesn't believe that it's for educational purposes. He said that he's not financing my international affairs" she rolls her eyes as she wipes her tears.

"Baby I'm so sorry" I reply genuinely as I stare down at her. "What can I do?"

"Nothing" she shakes her head as she brushes past me though I can tell there's something she wants to say.

"Maya" I catch her wrist. "What?" I ask as her blue eyes lock back on mine.

"I'm not going there. You'll resent me and we'll end for sure. I'm not losing you over this. I refuse for this to be the end of us" she exclaims.

"You want me to come home" I realize. She averts her eyes to the ground and goes to grab her suitcase. She puts it on my desk and starts unzipping it. I've been gone since September, it's been almost six months. Maybe going home wouldn't be the worst idea. "What if I went home with you?" She turns to me quickly and shakes her head.

"No. You love it here. You're staying and I'm going" she says defiantly.

"That's not your decision" I argue.

"What are you gonna do then Josh?" she snaps. "Follow me home. Go back to school. Get a job you hate. Marry me. We have some kids. You get sick of us and leave. You find another woman and start a new, better family with her." Tears are falling down her face at this point and it becomes clear to me what this is really about.

"Maya" I say softly as I close the distance between us. I caress her cheek and wipe her tears. "I'm not your dad." She closes her eyes as she tries to compose herself and my heart breaks. "Gorgeous open your eyes" I beg. Her frozen blue eyes flutter open and lock on mine. "I want to be with you. Wherever that may be." Her face softens as she gazes up at me.

"I'm terrified of losing you" she whispers.

"That will never happen" I assure her as I press a soft, lingering kiss to her lips. "I love you" I whisper as I pull away from her breathlessly.

"I love you too" she replies sweetly. "Please come home" she says softly as she wraps her arms around my neck, tugging at the hair at the nape.

"I'm wherever you are" I reply making her smile as I lean forward and press my lips to hers in another lingering kiss before we fall back onto my bed where we make up for lost time for the rest of the morning.

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