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Josh's POV

"Dude you have to come" Andrew insists while we talk on the phone on Friday night.

"I don't have to go anywhere" I insist making him moan in annoyance.

"Matthews, you are the only man I know against strip clubs" he replies annoyed. "Come on, it'll be fun." I roll my eyes.

"Will it get you off my back?" I ask hopefully.

"More or less" he replies making me roll my eyes as I hang up the phone and run my fingers through my hair.

"Knock, knock" I hear behind me making me whip around to face Maya standing adorably in my doorway.

"What are you doing in my wing gorgeous?" I tease as a blush falls onto her cheeks.

"Just stopping by before my shift" she replies, stepping inside.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what this mysterious job of yours is?" I ask, eyeing her curiously but she smirks and shakes her head.

"Nope" she pops the p making me chuckle. "I'll see you tomorrow boing."

"See ya Maya" I smile as she walks off. I quickly get changed and head down to Andrew's dorm to meet up with him. "Dude you ready to go?" I ask as I lean against his open door, looking in on my best friend practically bathing in cologne.

"Hell yea" he exclaims as he grabs his wallet. "Let's go man" he adds as he slings his arm around my shoulders and we head out.

We make it to the strip club in less than a half hour and I'm already regretting my decision. "Remind me why I let you talk me into this?" I ask as I follow Andrew inside.

"Dude you're so negative. What is so bad about half naked women?" I roll my eyes and scan the room. There are half naked woman everywhere. It's not that I wasn't attracted to girls but there was one in particular that really held my attention. "I know what you need" Andrew smirks as he claps his hand on my shoulder.

"What?" I ask unamused.

"Hey Lila" Andrew stops one of the girls. "Lap dance for my friend?" he asks making my mouth drop open.


"Sorry sugar but I'm all booked up but I could get Ginger."

"Perfect" Drew says decisively. "Off you go" he smirks, turning to face me.

"Shove it" I reply unamused but I reluctantly follow Lila to one of the back rooms.

"She'll be here in a minute" she assures me. "Go easy on her, she's new" she adds before ducking out. I run my hands over my jeans in nervousness while I wait. There were so many other things I could be doing with a Friday night.

"Sorry I took so long" the girl says and I immediately place the voice before I even see her but when I do my eyes widen.

"Holy fuck" I mutter involuntarily because standing in front of me is Maya and she's dressed in a red lace push up bra and matching panties with fishnet stockings and heels. Her hair is tousled in waves falling around her shoulders and her makeup is done to perfection. Suddenly my mouth is dry and my jeans are tight. I remind myself this is Maya and I need to get my shit together.

"Oh my god" she stares at me. "What are you doing here?" she asks, moving her hands to try to cover herself. I stand up and pull off my jacket and hand it to her. She eyes it and me before reluctantly taking it from my hands. "Thanks."

"No problem. And me? Maya what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Paying my tuition" she whispers softly. "Not all of us have parents who can put us through school."

I stare down at the fragile girl in front of me and sympathy takes over. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask confused.

"Because I like you" she replies as if this should be obvious. "I'm embarrassed about this Josh. I never wanted you to know."

"Did you think I'd judge you or something?" I ask confused.

"I judge myself" she scoffs. "Why should I expect you to behave differently."

"Maya" I sigh, taking a step towards her. "I'm not judging you. I'm a little worried though. We could look into some scholarships, work study, or something. Make tuition a little easier and let you quit. If you want to" I add making her chuckle.

"I want to" she assures me. "I hate this job. Though getting you riled up is kinda fun" she smirks.

"Me? I am not" I insist. She rolls her eyes and pushes me back onto the couch.

"Really?" she smirks, stripping off my jacket and letting it hit the floor. She turns around and starts to dance, grinding her body against mine. I know I'm not supposed to but I can't help but grab her, taking her by surprise. I move my hands with her hips and when she spins around to face me I pull her onto my lap.

"Hi" she smiles breathlessly.

"Hey tease" I smirk making her giggle as I reach up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. My hand lingers and before I know it my lips are on hers, my tongue slipping into her mouth while her hands tug my hair. She begins to grind her hips eliciting a low groan from my throat. "When do you get off?" I ask as we pull apart and I rest my forehead against hers. She giggles and I realize my wording mistake.

"I don't know Josh. When am I getting off?" she teases.

"Never if you keep it up you smartass" I laugh as I tighten my grip on her. "When are you off work?"

"A few hours" she sighs. "And you should probably go. I don't need you punching someone for touching me."

"I thought touching wasn't allowed."

"It's not" she assures me.

"Jesus I swear."

"Josh" she smiles, placing her hand in my chest. "I can handle it. I'll see you back on campus" she adds before pecking my lips and climbing off my lap. I sigh and follow her out of the room.

I usher Andrew out of the club before he can see Maya and the two of us head back to campus. I'm lying awake in bed when around three there's a knock on my door. I get up and go to open it, finding Maya now dressed in yoga pants and a sweatshirt. "Hi" she whispers.

"Hey" I smile, letting her into the room before shutting the door behind her. "How was the rest of your shift?"

"Hell" she sighs, running her fingers through her hair. "I quit."


"Yea. You said you'd help me figure this out. So um."

"I got you Maya" I assure her as I grab her hand and pull her into my arms. "I got you."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now