Needing Space

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Hello lovelies. I want to start this author's note by thanking each and every one of you that sent your condolences and prayers for me and my family. It really meant a lot to have so much love pouring in from all of you during a rough couple of weeks. I was thankful to have a couple weeks away from Wattpad to just really spend some time with my family and not have updates looming over me but I am happy to say that I'm back. I know it wasn't the longest break but honestly I am so ready to come back and be with my Wattpad family again and I'm really excited to share these updates with all of you. Again I thank all of you for your patience and support and without further ado...the updates!


*Inspired by: Permanent by Jake Miller*

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Josh's POV

"I don't know what to say when my mom asks about you"

Going home once a month used to be an enjoyable experience but ever since my "break-up" with Maya it was my own personal hell.

"So, is Maya busy with school?" my mom presses while stirring the spaghetti sauce on the stove. "You haven't brought her by in a while."

I sigh, playing with the chips in the bowl in front of me. The truth was, Maya and I both decided that it was best to take a sort of break but I wasn't sure what that really meant therefore I had yet to tell my mom that Maya was no longer technically my girlfriend.

"She's just busy mom" I shrug, unsure what else to say. I can't exactly tell her that we're kinda broken up but sorta not but also allowed to see other people.

"Well I hope she clears her schedule soon because we really miss her around here" she says sadly.

"I know mom. I miss her too."

"I still drive by your house on my way home. I keep my eyes on the road I don't wanna know if there's somebody new laying with you"

Driving by her apartment is the worst. It's in the same complex as mine but she's a building next door. As I climb out of my car I make sure to keep my eyes locked on the ground so as not to look into her window and potentially catch a glimpse of some guy.

I hated that we had agreed to see other people. There was no other person for me. Maya was and forever will be my person and the fact that we were acting as if we meant nothing to one another was killing me.

I walk into my apartment and plop down onto the couch awating the perky blonde to pounce on me and make my forget all about my horrible day at school but instead there's not a single sound to fill the small space and all I feel is an intense loneliness.

"Is permanent what we meant when we said that we needed space?"

I don't know what makes me decide to go to Maya's apartment but somehow my legs carry me right to her door.

My hand is shaking as I lift it to knock and the immediate patter of her feet on the hardwood floor soothes my nerves a tad but nothing prepares me for the gasp that tumbles from my lips upon seeing her...and the man in her living room.

"Maya" I breathe out, taking in her attire which consisted of athletic shorts and a racerback tank top.

"Uh hey" she replies, rubbing her neck. "Um what-what are you doing here?"

"I-I" I stutter. I had no idea what I was doing here; that much was proved by the fact that she had a man in her apartment.

"You lost your voice?" she smirks, leaning against her door.

"I wanna talk" I reply bluntly making her eyes go wide before they settle back to normal size and she nods her head.

"Calvin can we finish this up another time?"

"Oh uh yea" he nods, turning off the television and retrieving his water bottle. "Later My" he smiles, kissing her cheek before brushing past me and leaving the apartment.

I fume with anger but try to keep it in check. "May I come in?" I ask politely.

"Oh yea of course" she replies, seemingly coming to her senses. "What's up? What do you wanna talk about?"

"Um us actually" I reply, staring at her intently. "Maya I miss you and I don't know how long you've been seeing that guy but-."

"Josh" she giggles. "That guy is gay. He's in my fitness class and we were doing yoga. There is nothing going on there. I'm single Josh."

"Are you?" I challenge, stepping towards her. "What did we mean when we decided to get some space? Was that permanent or-?"

"Josh I miss you too" she admits, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I'm done with the space if you're done. I just wanna be with you."

"Yea?" I ask excitedly.

"Oh my god yes" she insists excitedly. "Space is highly overrated."

"I couldn't agree more" I smile as I close the space between us and press my lips to hers.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now